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Between October 13 and October 21, I’ve made a total of seven predictions about the Harris-Walz campaign. They were all published ahead of time for the whole world to see.


The sixth one just came true.

Here’s what I wrote on Oct. 21:

I guarantee you that large numbers of the Harris-Walz campaign staff is talking off-the-record to the media every day. (Hey, they’re all on the same side. Many of them have even worked for the same bosses.) There’s a 100% probability they’re sharing tales of frustration, disappointment, fear, confusion, and anxiety — yet we haven’t really seen any stories about it. 

Nothing’s been leaked.

That’s because the media will protect their sources. At least… for as long as they need ‘em.

But guess what happens if Harris is gonna lose? They don’t need ‘em anymore.

When the Democrats’ internal (nonpublic) polling is just too damning, someone will leak it to the media. Believe me, none of the professional staffers want to be blamed for losing a landslide election to the Evil Orange Menace. 

Screw that!

Besides, nobody has any particular loyalty to Kamala Harris: Most of those people have only been there for a few months!

I’m sure they’re just as loyal to Kamala as she was to Joe Biden!

Humans are gonna human. In these situations, the most probable outcome is that multiple members of her campaign staff will start anonymously leaking stories of disunity, chaos, pettiness, and ineptitude — as well as the liability of being saddled with a lame-brained, utterly unlikeable candidate. After all, if it wasn’t for [gestures wildly at everyone else], the Democrats surely would’ve won!

That’s the final sign to lookout for: A flood of negative leaks directly from Harris-Walz campaign staffers. Keep your eyes peeled.


Guess what’s begun over the last 24 hours?

Someone call a plumber because the leaks are all over the place!

CNN just wrote, “A jittery Harris campaign makes big plans to clinch a narrow win.” In the article: 

The Harris aides CNN spoke to expressed a jittery self-confidence, but they also kept using phrases such as ‘jump ball’ and ‘down to the wire’ and the occasional emoji with nauseous green cheeks. [emphasis added]

It’s an interesting piece because CNN included quotes and info from “Harris aides” without ever identifying them by name. Normally in journalism, you always attribute quotes to names; it’s Journalism 101. If a source isn’t willing to speak on the record and be identified by name, you typically don’t use the source. So this was a (rather shameless) attempt by CNN to publish Harris-Walz campaign leaks… without actually calling them Harris-Walz campaign leaks! 

Next, NBC News just published a piece, “Democrats brace for a possible crack in the blue wall and signs of North Carolina slipping.” It wrote:

“There has been a thought that maybe Michigan or Wisconsin will fall off,” said a senior Harris campaign official, who stressed that the bigger concern is over Michigan. Two other people with knowledge of campaign strategy — who, like others in this article, were granted anonymity to speak candidly — also underscored deep concern about Michigan. Those people still believe that all the states are close and that there are alternative routes to victory. [emphasis added]


Joining the pile-on next is the New York Post with “Democrats quietly panic over Harris campaign strategy as ‘Blue Wall’ crumbled: They are just not thinking.’

Guess what? More anonymous leaks:

““They are not thinking ‘Blue Wall’ at all. They are just not thinking,” one Democrat vented to The Post about the Texas trip. …Her press operation is that of a first-time congressional candidate running as a sacrificial lamb. …I think her press team actually works for Trump,” the disgruntled Democrat added, noting that in their opinion, the 45th president has “made a better case for himself than her.”

“I think it’s smart to set expectations for a worst-case scenario. I genuinely think no one knows what is going to happen in either camp. This is what Dems do — we freak out,” a source close to the Harris-Walz campaign told The Post. 

These three stories all broke over the past 24 hours! Then, this morning at 6:00, The Hill ran a fourth, “Democrats fear race may be slipping away from Harris.” In it:

“Everyone keeps saying, ‘It’s close.’ Yes, it’s close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that,” one Democratic strategist said. “Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.” 

The Hill identified the leaker as a “Democratic strategist,” but once again, I’m skeptical. If he or she was just a strategist, he or she would have no problem speaking on the record and using his or her name. (I know I’m repeating myself, but this is all Journalism 101.) So, it almost certainly wasn’t just a “Democratic strategist” — it was someone directly from the Harris-Walz campaign!


Kamala Harris is suffering more leaks than an incontinence convention. 

Unfortunately, some of their leaks might be endangering national security. It’s been widely suspected that the Harris-Walz staff leaked Israel’s plans to attack Iran. After all, it’s been the Obama-Biden-Harris position all along to demand an immediate Israeli cease-fire, and any Israeli escalation could be politically problematic for the Democrats.

None of this should be surprising. Look, Kamala Harris is a 60-year-old, grown-up woman. At this point, she is what she is — and that’s a person with a lengthy track record of mistreating her own staff. In an earlier “leak,” when Kamala Harris crashed and burned in the 2020 Democratic Primary, her own team members wrote: 

This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly. … the treatment of our staff over the last two weeks was the final straw in this very difficult decision.

So, trust me: The leaks are just beginning. (You might wanna invest in rainboots.)

Anyway, that’s six out of seven predictions fulfilled. The only one I’ve missed was this:

For the finale, I’m gonna do my Babe Ruth impression and call the last item on the Democratic playlist: Keep an eye on Tim Walz. Over the next several days, he’s going to do something so astonishingly ridiculous and absurd that you’ll be spitting coffee all over your monitor. I’m thinking utterly bizarre cameo appearances, donning wacky, goofy, outlandish clothes — like, perhaps, a ballerina’s tutu.


So far, no tutu. But I’m NOT gonna be wrong about this: The Dems will absolutely try to pull a Hail Mary, dress up Walz in something absolutely bat-s**t crazy in a misguided effort to attract some flailing demo, and it’s all gonna happen before the election. I’m not budging on this prediction!

In fact, I’m dead serious.