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Lucas Kunce recently became the latest Democrat to shoot someone. The Missouri Democrat hopeful looking to unseat Senator Josh Hawley appeared with Democrat wannabe Adam Kinzinger in a backyard campaign event clearly intended to send the message ‘Hey y’all! We Democrats like us some guns too! Yeehaw!’


KSHB 41 reporter, Ryan Gamboa, got the lead covering the event. No, really, he got the lead from a Kunce ricochet in his right upper arm, bloodying his shirt.

Kunce delivered some on-the-spot odd first aid care and Gamboa continued.

The derptastic duo ‘exercised their freedom’ from what appears to be an unsafe distance, putting themselves and those around them in danger. Gamboa just happened to be the unlucky recipient of the pair’s negligence.

The criticisms of the risky range event came pouring in from Twitter/X users.

Unsafe, indeed. Let’s see what people had to say about the sheer stupidity on display by the would-be Senator and his pet RINO.



The unambiguously dumb duo appears to be shooting steel targets from a distance of less than 10 yards.

From our understanding, 10 yards is the minimum rule of thumb for shooting steel with a pistol.

Kunce and Kinzinger were photographed shooting steel targets from inside 10 yards with rifles. The general guidance for safely shooting steel with a rifle is 100 yards.


It seems the goal of the event was to try to look gun chic. Instead, they managed to appear firearm illiterate.

Kinzinger was pictured with his eye protection worn like a hair accessory as he stared down the SCOPE at a target he could probably hit with spit … or tears.


Oh, and what is that on the table?

It looked a lot like Tannerite to Twitter/X users, an impact-sensitive explosive for target shooting. The table looks like two thirteen-year-olds found their dads’ guns and dumped everything out to play while the adults were away.

A more detailed view of the steel targets was posted to Facebook by user DOMvisions from Holt, Missouri where the incident took place.

The steel targets appear to be homemade knockover targets with signs of previous wear. The plates look to be welded onto a steel base at a 90 degree angle.

On impact, the bullet hits the steel plate and sprays lead fragments 360 degrees in all directions from the point of impact. Some of those fragments will travel downward towards the steel base, where they will ricochet once again back towards the shooter or other bystanders.


This could be how Gamboa was injured.

Kunce was also photographed tightening his belt around Gamboa’s arm to hold a pad over the injury.

His belt.

It’s like we’re watching selected frames from a low-budget made-for-TV action film.

Safety questions abound.

Josh Hawley took his own shot at his political rival.

Perfect. Kinzinger returned fire, managing to make himself look like an even bigger dope.

‘The reporter we shot while being absolute morons with AR-15 rifles is fine. Don’t be such a dork.’

Kinzinger descends deeper into the clown-hole.

We couldn’t have made this one up.


Given the choices for staged political events, serving french fries seems to be the smarter choice over shooting members of the press.

Heck, President Trump was hard on Jim Acosta but at least he never shot him.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt worse. Kinzinger deserves to be called out for his dismissiveness.

Clowns like him make it harder for responsible gun owners.

Missouri, we suggest you give Lucas Kunce plenty of time to hang out with his buddy, Adam Kinzinger. Maybe just don’t let them have guns.