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In the classic self-parody supporting Kamala Harris’s alleged stint at McDonald’s, the subhead on the New York Times story reads: “Donald Trump has claimed without evidence that Ms. Harris never worked at the fast-food chain. Her campaign and a friend say she did.” The story is attributed to two reporters: Heather Knight and Nicholas Nehamas. It took two Times reporters to pool their resources and come up with this a lead this stupid: “Birtherism, meet burgerism.”

The two Times reporters don’t know the meaning of the word “evidence.” Relevant evidence is that which has a tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence and the fact bears on the question in issue. The Times offers the statement of Harris’s campaign and the alleged recollection of a friend who heard it from Harris’s deceased mother. We are at best hanging by a thread here. We are about as close to no evidence as it is metaphysically possible to get.

Contrast the Times story with the Washington Free Beacon story by Joe Simonson, Chuck Ross, and Andrew Kerr that is acknowledged by the Times — in paragraph 17. The Beacon story not only introduces substantial evidence from which one may reasonably infer Harris never worked at McDonald’s, it is the kind of evidence that would be admissible in court on the question in issue. (The Times’s “evidence” would not be admissible.)

Piers Morgan translates this into the language of common sense in his New York Post column today:

…Kamala Harris, has repeatedly boasted about having a summer job at McDonald’s to make her sound more relatable to her fellow Americans, but to date, not a single person has been able to verify this.

This is quite extraordinary given how specific she has been, with her campaign team stating that she worked at McDonald’s on Central Avenue in Alameda, Calif., in 1983 after her freshman year at Howard University, working on the cash register, french fries station and ice cream machine.

But then, she didn’t mention it in her memoir, nor does it appear on the 1987 résumé she submitted when applying for a position at the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office despite listing her other work experiences.

It was like it never happened at all!


McDonald’s itself has no record of Harris having worked at any of its outlets. In a memo emailed to McDonald’s USA franchisees McDonald’s confirmed that while Harris had “fond memories” of working at a location in Alameda County, “we and our franchisees don’t have records for all positions dating back to the early ’80s.’” Charlie Spiering reports in the linked Daily Mail story: “Employees at the franchise in Alameda, California, told the Telegraph they have been sworn to secrecy not to speak about Harris to reporters.”

The McDonald’s factor resonates in the case of our own Governor Tim Walz as well (video below). Sister Toldjah has the rest of the story here at RedState.