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By The New York Post Editorial Board

At a recent rally in swing-state Wisconsin, Kamala Harris singled out and humiliated two attendees for the crime of showing religious principles — even as she gave props to a pro-Hamas heckler at another Badger State campaign stop.

What on earth is she doing?

When Grant Beth and Luke Polaske yelled out Christian slogans to express opposition to Harris’ stance on abortion, she shot back: “You guys are at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.”

Sweet zinger, Madame Vice President. You really showed them!

This would be political malpractice at the best of times: Literally telling voters to get lost.

But Harris faces a coin-flip re-election fight with a newly resurgent Donald Trump.

All signs point to trouble for her with traditional Dem voting blocks and across several swing states, including Wisconsin.

We get that abortion is a central plank in the Dem platform, and that these kids were being disruptive.

But the veep just said, in effect, that if you don’t align with her 100% on abortion . . . just go away: You shouldn’t even think about voting for her.

This, after skipping the Al Smith dinner — a political gimme if ever there was one.

In contrast, Harris is more than willing to entertain voters who (in theory, anyway) oppose her position on Israel.

At another Wisconsin campaign stop, a protester heckled her with lies about Israel committing genocide.

Harris’ telling comment on that: “What he’s talking about, it’s real.”

In other words, she’s eager to welcome Israel-haters into her coalition, but figures she can tell huge blocks of American voters (deplorables, basically) to go pound sand and somehow still win.

Is this arrogance? Ideological blindness? Stupidity? All three?

Harris will find out in a hair more than two weeks whether she made the right call.

But we suspect she won’t like the answer.