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The tubby blue-haired lesbians are going to hate this. Go to your safe room, ladies, because Ivanka Trump is here to show how real women are getting their asses in shape these days.  

A month after mesmerizing the Internet with a squat workout, Ivanka, who turns 43 next week, is back with new squat rack content and news that she’s doing more than working on her glutes. Donald Trump‘s daughter is now into strength training. 

Talk about triggering news. The blue hairs are going to melt over this turn of events. 

So now, not only is Ivanka Trump one of the most beautiful women in the world, she’s now strong to go along with her fit frame. The blue hairs are going to be unhinged over this. 

Ivanka explains her new life at the gym: 

“I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my workout routine since I reposted a video with my trainer, so I thought I’d share a bit about my fitness journey.

“Like many women, I used to focus primarily on cardio, yoga, and Pilates. Since moving to Miami, I have shifted my focus to weightlifting and resistance training, and it has been transformative in helping me build muscle and shift my body composition in ways I hadn’t imagined.

“I believe in a strength training approach built on foundational, time-tested and simple movements—Squats, Deadlifts, Hinges, Pushes, and Pulls. These are the cornerstones of my workout, emphasizing functional strength for life.

“Prioritizing form is essential; only then do I add weight. This ensures a safe and steady progression while maintaining the integrity of each movement. I incorporate mobility work within my sessions to enhance range of motion.

“Weightlifting has enhanced not just my strength but my overall athleticism and resilience. I now dedicate 3-4 days/ week to strength training—2 sessions solo and 2 with either @sandybrockmanfitness or @coach_hm. Also new for me but critical to my progress has been increasing my protein intake dramatically. I now consume between 30-50 grams of protein a meal. It works… I’ve never been stronger!”

“I still enjoy a weekly yoga session and love spending time outdoors with my kids and friends playing sports—whether it’s surfing, padel tennis, swimming in the ocean, wake surfing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, hiking, walking or golf. I also incorporate a couple of short (10 min), high-intensity interval training sessions (such as sprints) each week to keep my cardiovascular fitness sharp and dynamic.

“This balanced approach has infused new energy into my fitness routine and yielded great results. That’s said, this is all highly personal in that what works is what you will actually do consistently. Thank you for your interest and questions ~ I hope this was helpful.

“Here’s to pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges together!”

Ivanka Trump’s squat routine is important for her surfing career

For those of you who haven’t been following along, surfing is a hobby that Ivanka has been promoting over the last year. In August, she posted an Instagram Reel of her surfing at a Kelly Slater training facility where she went on an “adventure of a lifetime.” 

“Look at you!! Wow incredible,” Kim Kardashian wrote in response. 

“I can’t wait to surf together !!” Ivanka fired back. 

Are we about to get a Kardashian-Trump surfing collaboration in 2025? 

Buckle up.