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Last week, PJ Media published my column, “Here’s How You’ll Know When the Race Is REALLY Over.” (It was a follow-up to an earlier analysis of how we’ll know when Kamala Harris realizes she’s losing. That one got a lot of attention too, because Harris completed 75% of my predictions within two days.) But in the “When the Race Is REALLY Over” column, the checklist is shorter.


Just two bullet points:

  • Kamala Harris (and other leading Democrats) will start blaming the American people directly for failing to support them. It won’t just be racism/sexism anymore, but something deeper than that.
  • You’ll see an absolute avalanche of media stories about Democratic/liberal buyers’ remorse. On media outlets ranging from the uber-mainstream (all the usual suspects, from MSNBC through The New York Times) to the leftist of the left, there’ll be op-eds and critiques galore that excoriate the Democrats for undermining the democratic process and “forcing” Kamala Harris on them.

The first of these two signs is now happening. The Hill ran a piece today: “The ‘scared majority’ could deliver a landslide victory for Trump.” CNN followed a few hours later with “Trump’s wild and lewd rhetoric reaches a new extreme.” The Telegraph opined “Why black men in Martin Luther King’s hometown won’t vote for Kamala Harris.”

These kinds of “Blame Americans First!” stories began percolating over the weekend. The Nation wrote: “JD Vance Shows That the Future of the GOP Is in Racist Conspiracy Theories.” The New Republic declared, “Trump Appeals to Latino Voters by Doubling Down on Racist Lies.” The Washington Post went further: “Seeking a historic win, Harris faces a familiar foe: Sexism.”

(For the uninitiated, the “scared majority” is the liberal media’s latest euphemism for “working class white people who don’t support Democrats.”)


So the first of these sign is juuuuust starting to emerge. Assuming the Harris-Walz poll numbers continue to crater, expect the quantity (and frequency) of these stories to exponentially increase.

The second sign has NOT happened yet. Which means, even though Kamala Harris is losing, her supporters still believe there’s a pretty good chance they’ll somehow prevail. (Interpret that however you will.)

But once hope is lost, the second bullet point will ABSOLUTELY come true. The media will ALWAYS bend over backwards to provide their base with an explanation they’ll accept — which obviously precludes any sort of introspective, fair-minded analysis on why the American people abandoned liberal governance.

This is who they are.

Right now, it certainly looks like Trump is going to win. But will it be a landslide? Once again, the media will be our tipoff:

I guarantee you that large numbers of the Harris-Walz campaign staff is talking off-the-record to the media every day. (Hey, they’re all on the same side. Many of them have even worked for the same bosses.) There’s a 100% probability they’re sharing tales of frustration, disappointment, fear, confusion, and anxiety — yet we haven’t really seen any stories about it. 

Nothing’s been leaked.

That’s because the media will protect their sources. At least… for as long as they need ‘em.

But guess what happens if Harris is gonna lose? They don’t need ‘em anymore.

When the Democrats’ internal (nonpublic) polling is just too damning, someone will leak it to the media. Believe me, none of the professional staffers want to be blamed for losing a landslide election to the Evil Orange Menace. 


Screw that!

Besides, nobody has any particular loyalty to Kamala Harris: Most of those people have only been there for a few months!

I’m sure they’re just as loyal to Kamala as she was to Joe Biden!

Humans are gonna human. In these situations, the most probable outcome is that multiple members of her campaign staff will start anonymously leaking stories of disunity, chaos, pettiness, and ineptitude — as well as the liability of being saddled with a lame-brained, utterly unlikeable candidate. After all, if it wasn’t for [gestures wildly at everyone else], the Democrats surely would’ve won!

That’s the final sign to lookout for: A flood of negative leaks directly from Harris-Walz campaign staffers. Keep your eyes peeled.

If this happens before November 1, it means Trump wins in a landslide.
