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We all remember Joe Biden’s catastrophic debate performance against Donald Trump last summer, and we all remember how someone (smart money is on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer) had to bell the cat and play Goldwater to befuddled old Joe’s Nixon. Joe, who already had the nomination sewed up, stepped down and allowed the Democratic Party’s apparatchiks to anoint Kamala Harris. That is shaping up to be the worst piece of political judgment by a major party since Charles Pinckney, but that’s a story for another time.


On Monday, Jill “Lady Macbeth” Biden revealed that this decision, to have Joe step away, may have been the right one after all. Well, duh.

First lady Jill Biden revealed on Monday that she thought her husband, President Biden, made the right call in deciding to drop out of the race.

“It’s time for something new,” Biden told ABC News’ Deborah Roberts. “It was the right call.”

This is known as belaboring the obvious. But here’s where Jill Biden really raises some eyebrows.

“I’ve had such a great four years,” she said. “And Joe and I, I mean really it has been the honor of our lives. It’ll be tough to maybe step away from it, but we’re starting a new chapter of our lives. A new journey.”

“We’ve been in politics 50 years. I think we’re ready for the new journey,” Jill Biden said.

As the Lone Ranger’s famous sidekick may have asked, “What’s this we stuff, Kemosabe?” As far as I’m aware — and I’m pretty aware — First Lady isn’t an elected position and carries with it no authority whatsoever; although we may very well point out the likelihood that it was Jill Biden that’s been pulling befuddled old Joe’s strings for some time now — at least up until Joe’s catastrophic debate performance, at which point the jig was most assuredly up.


Following the June debate between Biden and Trump, the first lady told her husband that he had done a “great job,” despite a performance that was widely criticized. She told the president on stage during an event that followed the debate, “Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question, you knew all the facts!”

She would have been better served by asking Joe:

Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale.

At what it did so freely? From this time such I account thy love. Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as thou art in desire? 

Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting “I dare not” wait upon “I would,” like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?

See Related: Is Bitter Old Joe Biden Engaged in Political Sabotage?

Et Tu, Nancy? Pelosi Is Upset That ‘The Only Bloody Fingerprints on the Knife Were Hers’

Joe’s hope of a second term was pretty green and pale after that debate performance, and he would have been well-advised to be afeard to be the same in his own act. But Jill Biden isn’t about to go around shouting “Out, out, damn’d spot!” She seems to be taking at least half the credit for Joe’s single term, and much good may it do her. Of course, she probably has no political ambitions of her own, unlike her predecessor Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua.


Jill Biden concluded her remarks with this:

“We will continue to fight,” she said, adding that her husband “will always do what’s best for the country.”

You say you want to do what’s best for the country, Mrs. Biden? Tell your husband to resign. He’s not fit to be president, and he has not been for some time now.