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North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who is the Republican gubernatorial nominee, has filed a lawsuit against CNN over the network’s “black Nazi hit piece.”

CNN claims to have unearthed comments made by Robinson on a pornographic website over a decade ago, in which they alleged that he referred to himself as a “black Nazi” and said he would have preferred Adolf Hitler to Barack Obama.

Robinson appeared on Newsmax over the weekend to address the allegations and assert that he has filed a lawsuit against the network.

“Let me start off with the obvious. Did you post those comments?” host Rob Astorino asked.

“Absolutely not. We did not,” Robinson stated.

Robinson added, “And we said from the very beginning that we didn’t say these things or craft these things or write these things. We’ve never been on this site and don’t even know what it is.”

“When it was brought to my attention, we said that from the very beginning, we addressed CNN. We went on the station the very day before the story broke and made that plain and we’ve taken a huge step,” the candidate said.

Regarding the lawsuit, Robinson said that he intends to “completely take CNN to task.”

“We’ve actually hired an attorney, and that attorney has now filed a lawsuit, and we intend to completely take CNN to task for this irresponsible reporting on things that are not true. And so we’re not backing down one bit, and we have not stopped campaigning either.”

Astorino asked, “So tell me about this lawsuit against CNN. It’s accusing the network of deliberately running a hit piece to derail your campaign and damage your personal reputation.”

“Right. Absolutely. That’s exactly what it is. The timing of this thing was extremely suspicious. Everybody that I talked to, they all say the same thing. If these things had been out there, they would have been revealed long ago. Someone would have found them long ago, but they didn’t,” Robinson stated.

Robinson has not dropped out of the race or stopped campaigning.

“This was a timed attack aimed directly at not only destroying me personally, but destroying our campaign. But let me be clear on that. It’s done anything but that. Our campaign is more energized than ever,” he said.