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The country music star Jelly Roll, 39, has managed to turn his life around after being arrested multiple times in his youth. One of his arrests was for armed robbery at the age of 15, which made him a felon.

In a new interview, he’s speaking out to say that he wants to meet with the victims of this crime to seek their forgiveness.

Jelly Roll Wants To Meet With Victims Of His Robbery

Considering Jelly Roll is now 39, the crime he committed took place over two decades ago.

I really want to have a conversation with them. I’ve thought about reaching out. This has been 24 years ago now,” Jelly Roll said. “And I just don’t know how that would even start — you know, how I would go about it — because sometimes I wonder if they might have even seen me in passing or are aware of my success.”

Well, you’d have to be living under a rock not to know who Jelly Roll is, so it’s a safe guess that they’re aware of his success!

Jelly Roll went on to say that these victims are on his “amends list.”

“I would just ask them to understand, I would ask them to just, one, forgive me, because there’s no excuse in that,” he continued. “The first accountability is, no matter how old I was, I had no business taking from anybody. Just the entitlement that I had, this, the world owed me enough that I could come take your stuff.”

“I don’t know what I was even trying to be when I look back now,” Jelly Roll added. “This is how I know I was 15 because the more when I try to make logic of it, I can’t. There was no logic to what I did. It made absolutely no sense. And I learned so much from it and the way that I interact with people.”

Jelly Roll is hoping that his victims will see how much he’s evolved and that “money doesn’t create character, it reveals it.”

That Jelly Roll, he sure has a way with words.

Related: Ex-Con Jelly Roll Channels His Inner Johnny Cash With Performance At Oregon State Prison – ‘Just Trying To Spread Love’

Jelly Roll’s History

Jelly Roll first ended up in juvenile detention at the age of 13. He was in and out of prison for the next few years. Unlike many celebrities, Jelly Roll has never forgotten where he came from. In fact, he credits his run-ins with the law with making him the man that he is today.

“I wouldn’t be the man I am today if it wasn’t for what I went through…I think it empowered me. I think it gave me my voice,” Jelly Roll told Fox News. “It taught me a lot about overcoming. It taught me a lot about changing and the ability to change.”

“I was a horrible human for decades, and to just be able to turn that around and give a message in the music and help people … and just try to give back as much as I can in every way I can is very indicative of where I came from and how important it is to me to always reach back,” he continued.

Related: Jelly Roll Goes From Felon to Police Officer As He’s Sworn In As Deputy Sheriff In Michigan

Jelly Roll Finds God

It was during his time in prison that Jelly Roll found God. Earlier this year, Jelly Roll said that his faith in God has been his “driving force.”

“Faith was a lot of me believing it was going to work out for me,” he said. “Could you imagine being a 37-year-old, unsuccessful musician when you told people that was your job?” 

God bless Jelly Roll for continuing to use his platform to spread positivity. If only we had more celebrities in the world like him!