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Remember when scientists actually did, you know, science and weren’t a bunch of thin-skinned Left-wing whiners? We miss those days.

But it seems they are, by and large, gone. Scientific American magazine is a good example of this — with a staff that makes up in wokeness what it lacks in actual science — it attributes the physical differences between men and women not to biology but to bias.


It’s not alone, however. Now Nature, a website with an erstwhile interest in, well, nature is jumping on the woke bandwagon by chiding people over the use of seasonal terms like ‘summer’ and ‘winter.’

They write:

Hello from the Southern Hemisphere, where the days are getting longer and temperatures are rising. Yet, despite the clear signs of spring here, we find ourselves inundated with invitations to events that speak of fall or autumn, or newsletters announcing workshops that will run this coming winter. It leaves us wondering: are we invited at all into this season different from our own?

This curious oversight, in which seasons, instead of months, are used for scheduling, is especially puzzling in the scientific community — a group known for its precision and careful communication. Why do we, of all people, persist in relying on region-specific seasonal markers? What is even more baffling is that this takes place in our fields of weather and climate science, with little regard for how different things might be outside the Northern Hemisphere.




In the northern hemisphere, it’s fall for  

Please. Just do science.




They are morons.

That’s exactly what this is: pretending to be an oppressed group because you might get invited to a conference in a different hemisphere experiencing a different season.


Naturally occurring seasons are probably some form of colonialism.

It’s impossible to be 100% inclusive and it’s insane that they need to feel validated.

‘This offends me, so everyone needs to change to accomodate my discomfort.’


Learn to cope.



If we could harness the Left’s sense of victimhood, we’d have limitless green energy.


‘Season-neutral language.’

Heaven help us.

It’s embarrassing.

We like the way you think.

They really are.