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The killing of Yahya Sinwar is yet another example of the fecklessness of the Biden administration’s Israel/Gaza policy. 

You may recall that both Biden and Harris warned Israel against entering Rafah, where Sinwar was found and killed, and has been pushing Israel for months to cease its war against Hamas. It was vitally important to the UN and the US that Hamas and Hezbollah survive to fight again. 


Sinwar was the architect of the October 7th massacre and one of the most radical and evil terrorists in the world. If Netanyahu had followed Biden and Harris’ advice, he would still be alive today and working to rebuild Hamas–which has been decimated and decapitated by Israel. Now that he is dead, the world–including many people in Gaza and even the residents of the Oval Office–celebrate. 

They liked the ends but felt squishy about the necessary means. 

It’s no surprise that Biden and company got this so wrong because that has been their M.O. for the entire stretch of their time in office. Biden has never been right about anything in foreign policy, so at least he has been consistent. Harris has, of course, been learning at the hairy legs of Joe Biden, and while she has been wrong for less time than Biden, she is equally good at screwing up. 


I do applaud Biden’s statement on Sinwar’s death, though. It was a strong statement and dead right that Sinwar’s death will hasten the end of the war. If only Biden had understood that fact before Israel bravely ignored his and Harris’ warnings and continued its campaign to destroy Hamas. If Biden understands that Sinwar’s death will hasten the end of the war, why did he try to prevent it?

Sinwar was, in a sense, the beating heart of Hamas. He fueled its hate, built its strategy, and sacrificed Gazans for his dream of eliminating Israel. Bibi Netanyahu is encouraging Hamas fighters to put down their arms, release the hostages, and abandon the war. Many will likely do so, given the blow to their morale. Netanyahu isn’t bloodthirsty so much as a realist: he, too, wants an end to the war, but on Israel’s terms. 

But there is another angle to this story, and it, too, has much to do with Biden’s attachment to the transnational consensus against Israel. The administration is demanding Israel tolerate the UNRWA’s continued presence in Israel and its role in helping run the so-called “Palestinian territories.” Biden and Harris have, through Tony Blinken, threatened Israel with an arms embargo if they do not support the UNRWA’s role in the region


That is outrageous. The UNRWA is, for all intents and purposes, a terrorist front. It may be a UN organization and hence beloved by the establishment, but it harbors terrorists. Its employees, including medical personnel and teachers, participated in the October 7th massacre, held hostages, taught children the ins and outs of terrorism, and fostered hate and violence in the region. Sinwar’s bodyguard was a UNRWA teacher, which was totally predictable. 

The UNRWA is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world and supports many of the most dangerous terrorists. It needs to be shut down, its members prosecuted, and the earth on which its infrastructure stands salted. Protecting the UNRWA is tantamount to supporting terrorists and keeping the conflict in the region going forever. 


Bibi Netanyahu has been right about everything in this war, with the exception of occasionally bowing to the wishes of the Biden administration. The war would already have been over if he hadn’t been threatened all the time by Biden and Harris. Now, he sees the opportunity to roll up Hamas and Hezbollah, and the biggest obstacle is the international community, including the supporters of the UNRWA. 

I used to think the UN served one purpose: to provide a place for US diplomats to secretly meet with our enemies. And, perhaps, it does serve that purpose. But it’s not worth the price of admission. The UN is a serpent’s nest and has to go. It is an obstacle to a better world, not a tool to get there. 

Tear down the UN’s ugly headquarters. Donald Trump could erect some high-prestige, extremely gaudy condos there and make the world a better place. 

Bibi should just tell Biden and Harris to shove it. If Trump wins, he will let Netanyahu take off the gloves; if Trump loses–God forbid–Harris will hamstring Israel no matter what. 
