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Remember in your high school journalism class, your dinosaur of a teacher told you that journalism, first and foremost, was about the who, when, where, why and how? For good measure, Mrs. Guttenberg docked you a couple of points for editorializing.


Such sweet, innocent times. Then came the era when journalists thought it was their sacred duty to educate you and enlighten you in the ways of correct (read: their liberal sensibilities) thinking.

And then, even worse, Jeff Zucker decided journalism was nothing more than a sh*t show that openly put their political agenda ahead of the news, facts and a quaint thing called “objectivity”.

This saw its final form in the person of Chris Cillizza who decided that trolling was the highest aspiration in journalism. You all remember this, right?

Cillizza, along with the rest of the CNN crew not only murdered journalism, but cut out its face and wore it as a Halloween mask.

If you’re not yet convinced, at this point, that it’s all a joke to Cillizza, check out his latest piece of journalism.



You see, Kamala didn’t bother to show up to the Al Smith dinner and Trump did. He did a pretty decent, but not stellar job there. So, of course, Cillizza and the rest of the trash-journalism crew has got to pooh-pooh it.

Which brings us to the latest are-you-f***ing-kidding-me piece of “journalism”. Cillizza interviews the physical embodiment of everything that is wrong with journalism, Taylor “OMG my Avocado Toast is ruined” Lorenz. The two of them ponder the loss of trust in mass media. This is like asking a drunk driver why the highways are so dangerous as they opine on insufficient “food next exit” signs. 

Let’s get right to what you came here for – the savage mockery of the hacks.

Leading off with Twitchy favorite, Hollaria Briden is always a winning move.


The short, non graphical version.

Say, isn’t expecting proper grammar from a journalist, like, racist or something?

Seriously, at this point, it must be a troll. Please tell us it is a troll.


Advice to live your life by.

It’s what we keep saying, but one cannot repeat it enough.

The people who murdered journalism are not going to stop until they find the real killers.


Like we said, it has to be a troll. No one except literal retarded people lack this self-awareness.

You can’t expect us to have listened to the end. But we’re sure this was their ultimate conclusion. Anything else would require honest and rigorous soul searching, and we’re not sure they have a soul to search – not when click revenue is at stake.


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