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Israeli military deliberately shooting Gaza children IN THE HEAD, says American doctor: “I was there”

An American physician who spent time in the Gaza Strip over the past year helping the sick and injured had some disturbing things to say to a reporter this week about the horrors he witnessed first-hand while providing aid to those in need.

According to the doctor, just about every horrible thing that one can imagine is happening in Gaza right now as Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bore through it with a vengeance in pursuit of total victory.

“If you can think of something bad that is happening in the world, it’s happening in Gaza or to people from Gaza,” the doctor explained – watch below:

(Related: War footage captured by Israel’s own military shows “devastating” civilian harm in the Gaza strip.)

Most victims of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza are children

There were two distinct things that the doctor observed in Gaza that stood out to him. He journaled daily during his time there, so he was able to recollect what happened, as sobering as it is to remember.

“The things that I saw there that really stood out or really impacted me and made me realize what’s actually going on were a few,” he said. “Number one was the malnutrition and starvation, which is deliberate; that’s perfectly obvious – even American senators are giving speeches saying that it’s deliberate.”

“The second thing was the targeting of children with gunfire. That I was not expecting to see, actually. I knew how many children had been killed; I knew of the massive killing in general, but I just assumed it was all from bombings, but that doesn’t explain children getting shot in the head – and definitely not every day.”

After looking back through his journal, the doctor discovered that he saw at least one child get shot in the head by the IDF every single day during his time in Gaza.

“That’s not an accident; that’s deliberate targeting of children for death,” he added.

The above video features testimony from another individual as well, also a doctor, about what she observed on the ground in Gaza. She spoke more about the types of injuries she saw in the hospital, as well as how old most of the victims were.

“The injury patterns I’ve seen most consistently are things like crush injuries as a result of Israeli airstrikes on their homes,” she said. “Between 60 and 70 percent of those injured and those who make it to the hospital are actually children.”

Like the first doctor, this second one likewise confirmed that she personally saw children get targeted by the IDF in the most gruesome and vicious ways as if these little ones were enemy targets.

“I can tell you that I have seen injuries that indicate deliberate targeting of children and the deliberate targeting of civilians,” she explained.

“I’ve seen things like gunshot wounds to the abdomen of children, to the chest. I have documented evidence of gunshot wounds to the extremities of babies, quadcopter attacks on children, gunshot wounds to the chests of children. And I saw things like Israeli landmines exploding on children who were playing in the cemetery.”

According to the same doctor, Israel’s second mission in Gaza was even more gruesome than the first with injuries that are “a lot worse and a lot more catastrophic and devastating.”

The latest news about happenings in the Middle East can be found at WWIII.news.

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