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Top 7 SCAPEGOATS of the LEFT and the most popular forms of disinformation on the planet

There are many dishonest and unethical people in this world who often cast blame on others for the very acts they commit themselves, in an effort to cover up their own dirty deeds and keep any accusers on their heels.

This has never been more commonplace than what the extreme Leftists, who are currently in control of many government organizations, mainstream media and most social media, are doing right now to mislead, misinform and cast blame on others for their own atrocities. It’s called scapegoating, and we’re identifying the top 7 popular scapegoats that the Democrats, Globalists, Big Tech, Big Media and Big Pharma use right now.

#1. Russia, Russia, Russia – why not blame those pesky Russians and Putin for every crisis America creates overseas?

#2. Climate Change – every heat wave, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, flood, drought, and even mass migration is blamed on global warming, now renamed as “climate change.”

#3. White people (and straight people) – if you’re not “colored” or “gay” then you were born a racist, bigoted, privileged, white supremacist who must now forfeit all money, land and children to the “less fortunate” non-white, pan-genders and illegal immigrants.

#4. Trump – Orange Man Bad! The Left blames Trump for all Democrat-owned and operated mistakes, mishaps and failures.

#5. Guns – The Left always blames guns, not people or SSRI drugs, for mass shootings.

#6. Misinformation and Disinformation – The kings of fake news always label truth media and whistleblowers as spreaders of misinformation.

#7. The Unvaccinated – Supposedly, every person who ever contracted a virus, bacteria, pathogens or parasites only got sick because an unvaccinated person spread it to a vaccinated person, even though the sole purpose of “vaccines” is to prevent this from happening.

Russia, Russia, Russia – the same old tired scapegoat for the U.S. government running guns, WMDs, money laundering and human trafficking

It’s the 8-year scapegoat with no end in sight. Besides the insane, radical Democrat politicians in Washington DC, who else wants to start a nuclear war with Russia and wind up dying from radiation, chemical poisoning, starvation and domestic rioting? Who else wants American taxpayer money, by the trillions, to go directly into the pockets of millionaire and billionaire war mongers who feed and fuel the military industrial complex, while blaming Russia for being “aggressive” and trying to “take over the world” one nation at a time?

Isn’t it ironic that the most radical, insane, Marxist, Communist, Socialist freaks of the Democrat Party blame Russia for being “aggressive” and trying to control other countries? America is currently involved in multiple proxy wars, bombing innocent civilians, putting our own military on the front lines, all while lying to the American public about it, claiming we’re not at war and there are no boots on the ground.

These same lying American politicians claimed Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, with no proof at all, still. Still, MSM runs the headlines “Russia” and “Putin” … and just fill in the rest with any name or blame that should be cast on the DC cabal of communists known as “Democrats.”

“Climate Change” is the ultimate scapegoat for Weather Weapon Systems used to destroy American lives, the economy, supplies, finances, property, voting capabilities

Ever seen a hurricane develop in the middle of a U.S. state and get stronger over land? That’s the new “climate change” narrative and cover story for extreme weather modification and manipulation technology, that creates rain, wind and even starts fires (usually where mainly conservatives own land).

Ever seen a hurricane originate in the Gulf of Mexico and move directly east? That’s the new “climate change” style storm that has nothing to do with all the patents for weather modification tools and technology listed by NOAA, DoD and FEMA.

Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies and propaganda that are always blamed on anything else.  #LeftistScapegoats

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