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On Wednesday morning, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell appeared on FBN’s Varney & Company to discuss the latest hefty backlash against the corporate media.

Varney first summarized CBS’s latest deceptive editing scandal:

“House Speaker Mike Johnson calling out CBS News for selectively editing his interview on Face The Nation. He posted a series of clips comparing what was aired and then the full answers he gave. He accuses CBS of working to undermine Republicans.”

“Did their professional integrity take a hit?” Varney inquired.

Bozell pointed out that CBS’s integrity has been under question for some time: “They have a rich history of this. Let’s go back; do we remember Dan Rather and RatherGate in 2004, when they tried to upend the Presidential campaign with a story that was a flat out lie?”

He added: “They’ve done this kind of stuff ever since. Kudos to Speaker Johnson for doing what so many Republicans won’t do, which is stand up to them and slap them back in the face.”

He also lauded Johnson’s advice to fellow Republicans: “Don’t do any taped interviews with these networks. You simply can’t trust them anymore to not manipulate a story. Make the interview live.”

Varney then pivoted to a recent Gallup poll showing that trust in the media is at yet another all-time low, with only seven percent of Americans say they have a “great deal” of trust in the mass media. “You’re a media watchdog; why do you think this is? Why is this happening?” he asked.

Bozell argued that the media’s shamelessly partisan behavior was to blame for Americans’ lack of faith in them: “Look at the attacks on Donald Trump. No matter what he does, even after he’s shot in the head, they attack him. And the public is seeing this. This is why, by the way, Donald Trump’s favorable ratings and unfavorables haven’t changed.”