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Gird your loins. 

Leftists are pulling out all the stops as the Harris campaign collapses on itself like a dying star. Trump was at a town hall when an attendee had a medical emergency. Reporters at the event saw that and witnessed Trump pivot, lightening the room with music and a bit of dance. Leftist media showed Trump doing his dance and claimed he had lost his mind. Trump had an aneurysm! He’s insane! That lie spread around the globe before the truth put its pants on. Standard operating procedure.   


The Los Angeles Times, a newspaper I used to respect and read until recently, published an op-ed by one of its faithful hacks, Robin Abcarian. On Sunday she pulled out her rhetorical stick and beat a horse that’s been dead for six years. That horse being the Brett Kavanaugh smear. Abcarian breathlessly wrote:  

I remember watching [Christine Blasey] Ford testify that a young Kavanaugh shoved her into a bedroom, pushed her onto a bed and covered her mouth to mute her screams. “It was hard for me to breathe,” she testified, “and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me.” She said his friend Mark Judge was there too, also inebriated and laughing. (Judge — whose 1997 memoir, “Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk,” chronicles an alcohol addiction that nearly killed him — denied her story.) 

I have rarely seen a witness more credible and believable than Ford, who testified that the assault was indelibly seared into her memory and continued to haunt her as an adult. The system let her down. 

With all due respect (I don’t have any for Abcarian), she must be blind, deaf, and dumb. Nothing Blasey Ford claimed was corroborated. Nothing. Zero. Blasey Ford couldn’t remember the date. In fact, she couldn’t remember the year. She couldn’t remember whose house in which the event took place. She couldn’t remember how she got home. She did recall that, besides Mr. Judge and Kavanaugh, her best friend Leland Keyser had driven her to that “party,” attended by only boys they didn’t know.  


Judge and Kavanaugh quickly denied Blasey Ford’s story as entirely fanciful fiction. Ok, but what about her friend? Surely, she remembers.? Such a traumatizing event must been indelibly etched into Keyser’s memory. But she doesn’t remember any of it. None of it. She doesn’t even recall meeting Brett Kavanaugh. Ever. She didn’t remember, because it never happened.

It wasn’t just that Keyser (a lifelong Democrat) had no memory of it, but she was approached by Democrats and Trump haters who tried desperately to get Keyser to say anything to help Blasey Ford. She refused. 

Ford’s team of friends and advisers apparently saw Keyser as an obstacle to Ford’s narrative and brainstormed ways to get her on board. The book cites a group text among Ford’s acquaintances from soon after her testimony. Cheryl Amitay, who attended the same girls’ high school as Ford, wrote: “Maybe one of you guys who are friends with [Keyser] can have a heart-to-heart.” And, “I don’t care, frankly, how f—ed up her life is.” 

A man who had gone to a neighboring boys’ school chimed in: “Perhaps it makes sense to let everyone in the public know what her condition is.” To which Amitay responded, “Leland is a major stumbling block.” 

In litigation, that would be witness intimidation; it’s plain old-fashioned character smearing of a witness because you can’t get them to recant. After being pressured and deluged with demands that she “remember” something that never happened, she later became convinced that Blasey Ford’s story was a fiction. 


“Remember like we want, or we will smear you” is cheap thuggery and dirty politics.   

Nothing about Blasey Ford’s story is or was ever believable. She had no witnesses, although she placed four other people in the house. She had no recollection of anything that would aid in her “credibility.” She could not remember the street, the house, or even the year it happened. She claims that her friend drove her to a boys-only party but left her, apparently to walk home alone. The “party” was stranger boys getting drunk while the girls apparently watched. She was sexually assaulted but doesn’t tell Keyser, who abandoned her? She doesn’t tell her parents? She doesn’t tell anyone for decades? Come on. 

I recall my high school days. None of this rings remotely true. Absolutely none of it sounds the least bit credible. It’s nonsense and anyone who doesn’t hate Trump with the heat of a thousand suns knows that. It’s an October smear of Trump, via Kavanaugh – nothing more.    

Blasey Ford’s evidence was a blubbering mess of contradictions. To believe Blasey Ford, you must be willing to suspend credulity and possess unending confirmation bias. It didn’t take long for Abcarian to show her hand and the real reason she’s beating this dead horse. Her column begins with:

President Trump and his party never cared a bit about whether Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women.

Kavanaugh‘s 2018 confirmation to the Supreme Court was going to be rammed through no matter what, a new report shows.

Trump was not exactly the kind of executive for whom allegations of sexual assault would ever be a deal breaker. He has since been found liable for what a judge described as “rape” and had previously boasted about sexually assaulting women just because he could.

And thanks in part to Kavanaugh’s elevation to the high court, we now live in a country where reproductive rights have been ripped away from women and a president could arguably get away with murder.


Robin Abcarian is that faithful leftist hack willing to ignore facts to push an agenda. 

TDS with a whole load of despicable baseless smears of Kavanaugh thrown in for cover.