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According to Wikipedia, the “Ferguson effect” is “an increase in violent crime rates in a community caused by reduced proactive policing due to the community’s distrust and hostility towards police.”

This “was first proposed after police saw an increase in violence following the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.”

According to a CNN article from 2015, “several high-profile police shooting incidents, many caught on ubiquitous camera phones, have given rise to protests over policing tactics that critics call heavy-handed. In some cities, police officers privately report holding back on making stops for fear of ending up the next YouTube ‘bad cop’ sensation.” And according to the outlet, this is called “the Ferguson effect.”

The problem with progressives is that they don’t like it when facts get in the way of their narrative. This is why they will deny reality and blatantly lie, hoping it will better gaslight the masses.

This is also why a CNN panel LOST IT after Ryan Girdusky said less police presence and the “Ferguson effect” leads to an increase in crime.

This should not be controversial, especially because it’s not only a blatant realization but because CNN has also made this “connection.” But again, liberals don’t like it when reality gets in the way of narrative and that is why this story exists.

According to The Daily Caller:

“There are the post-George Floyd riots [that] resulted in 15,000 black male deaths in this country,” Girdusky said.
“How?” CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers asked.

Girdusky said there was less police presence at the time of the 2020 riots because officers feared for their jobs at the time, leading to a surge in violent crime.

Can anyone name a time when communities faced less violent crime because law enforcement officers feared for their jobs?

No? Didn’t think so.

“The surge of violent crime, it was like the Ferguson effect, the Ferguson effect and the Floyd effect … Because what happened is after the Ferguson riot and after the Floyd riot, policemen in fear of their jobs many times and political coverage, pull back from their jobs resulting in crime size,” Girdusky said.

“Ryan, hold on, hold on. Ryan, we got to stop you there because you’re literally making a connection out of your own conjecture,” Phillips said. “You can not just do that.”

Phillips is the one making a “connection out of [his] own conjecture” but of course, a naive liberal resorted to projecting their ideology onto others, as that’s the best these people can do.

After Phillips quieted the panel down, Sellers said a surge in riots and violent crimes cannot be blamed on the deaths of black men.

“That literally, and my point to you is, that makes no sense,” Sellers said. “And I would argue to you that I’m not coming from a perspective where I want fewer police. I want police to actually be paid more, I just want better police, more qualified police, I want there to be a database where police, if they commit bad acts, can’t just go from one department to the next. That’s criminal justice reform.”

LOL. CNN couldn’t have gotten a more ignorant panel if it tried. But to be fair, it’s unclear if they are objectively naive or just liars. And yes, both can be true.

If this was intended to help swing voters to the left, the least they can do is get people on TV who are not objectively naive but the left relies on the most ignorant voters and that’s why this story exists.

Their intent was not to expose the truth, it was meant to gaslight the few viewers CNN has left, which is a waste of time considering the only people who believe this crap will be “voting blue no matter who.”

The whole “blame Trump” for everything, including BLM riots, will only hurt the left, as it’s clear this technique backfired a long time ago.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com

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