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There’s nearly a zero percent chance that Bath & Body Works intentionally made a candle to depict a KKK meeting. However, just because the intent was not there does not mean the woke mob won’t have a meltdown after being reminded that the KKK was a thing.

As you know, corporations often release holiday-themed merchandise, and it just so happens that not everyone is on the lookout for KKK-like hoods that are actually snowflakes. This is probably how Bath & Body Works released a candle, labeled “Snowed In”, which some argue is too close for comfort in terms of white supremacy.

According to The Guardian:

After an outcry on social media, the company explained that the designers did not intend to mimic the KKK outfit and removed the item from its website and retail stores.

“At Bath & Body Works, we are committed to listening to our teams and customers, and committed to fixing any mistakes we make – even those that are unintentional like this one,” the company said in an emailed statement to NBC News and other outlets. “We apologize to anyone we’ve offended and are swiftly working to have this item removed and are evaluating our process going forward.”

The real problem is that people pretended to be offended by this, as it’s 100 percent not a racist candle. However, it is a very ugly candle and it’s unclear why that passed production on those grounds alone.


Although it’s foolish that people make this a thing, it’s pretty naive that they released the candle without anyone flagging it but this is also not the first time the brand has come under fire.

To celebrate Black History Month in 2022, the company released a product line that featured Kente cloth designs. People in Ghana started to wear such clothing during ceremonial events and special occasions, according to Baylor University.

The company should give up on releasing themed candles and lotion at this point, as their DEI consultant is not doing much to help their cause, and it almost seems as if the harder they pander to the woke mob, the worse they make it.

– YouTubeyoutu.be

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