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POLL: More voters trust Donald Trump over Kamala Harris on immigration policy and border security

A recent Rasmussen poll has revealed that the majority of voters in the United States trust former President Donald Trump more than Vice President Kamala Harris when it comes to dealing with immigration and border security.

The survey, conducted from Sept. 15 to 17 among 987 likely voters, shows that 51 percent of the respondents trust Trump over Harris on immigration policy and border security, while only 43 percent favor Harris over Trump. (Related: POLL: American voters trust Donald Trump more than Kamala Harris on firearms issues.)

In line with this, the survey reveals the importance of immigration as a key issue for the 2024 election, with 75 percent of respondents indicating it will be an important factor in casting their votes. Among those surveyed, 51 percent believe immigration policy will be “very important” in casting their votes compared to the 23 percent who believe immigration is a less critical issue. Among those who see immigration as very important, 80 percent trust Trump over Harris to handle the issue.

The poll also reveals sharp divisions along party lines. About 77 percent of Democrats back Harris on immigration, compared to the 84 percent of Republicans who trust Trump on the same issue.

Trump also has a significant lead among independents, with 53 percent trusting him more compared to 39 percent for Harris. Additionally, the poll found that 33 percent of Democrats, 71 percent of Republicans and 50 percent of independents view immigration policy as a critical election issue.

Meanwhile, a majority of respondents among racial demographics consider immigration and border security as important factors. Among these groups, 78 percent of white voters, 71 percent of Black voters, 71 percent of Hispanic voters and 69 percent of non-Black minorities indicate that immigration would influence their vote in 2024. The issue also appears to resonate with voters across income levels, with higher-income earners generally leaning toward Harris, while those earning between $50,000 and $100,000 favor Trump.

Other polls back Trump’s belief that immigration and border security will decide the election

This result has been evident in other polls. For instance, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll, conducted from Oct. 2 to 4 among 1,714 U.S. adults, revealed that 51 percent of voters generally trust Trump on handling immigration better than Harris, who only garnered 38 percent of support.

Another poll from Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, released in the same week also revealed that Trump dominates Harris when it comes to immigration and border security – 49 percent favor Trump, while only 37 percent favor Harris, with eight percent saying they would be the same and six percent saying neither would be good on the issue.

Fox News survey, conducted from Sept. 20 to 24 among 1,021 Arizona registered voters, also revealed the same: Trump leads Harris by 15 points among Arizona voters when it comes to handling immigration.

These results backed the belief of Trump that voters likely care more about immigration than the economy.

“I really don’t agree,” Trump told the Wisconsin crowd on Oct. 6 in response to polls claiming that the economy will decide the election. “I know they do all these polls, and the polls say it’s the economy, and the polls say very strongly it’s inflation, and I can understand it a little bit. To me, it’s the horrible people that we’re allowing into our country that are destroying our country. And it’s the hardest problem to solve too.”

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Watch the video below to learn more about Donald Trump’s poll numbers.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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