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Sermon 56: Mike Adams discusses the biblical COSMIC IMPACTS prophesied to reset Earth

The Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed the biblical cosmic impacts prophesied to reset Earth as mentioned in the Book of Revelation during his 56th sermon, part of his 100 Sermons series.

Adams based his sermon on the final book of the New Testament penned by St. John of Patmos. According to the Bible nutrition educator, the “seven trumpets” mentioned in the book describe cosmic impacts or giant meteor impacts on the planet. These seven impacts spanning three and a half years would bring devastation upon the land, the sea and other bodies of water, the heavenly bodies and mankind.

Dr. Jeffrey Goodman’s book “The Comets of God” touched on these impacts. He wrote that the “seventh trumpet” in Revelation 11 and the “seventh bowl” or “seventh vial” in Revelation 16 both involve a gigantic comet approaching Earth and raining down 100-pound hailstones before hitting the planet. (Related: Giant asteroid on collision course with Earth could NOT be stopped by a nuclear bomb, NASA simulation shows.)

According to Adams, the massive impact caused by the seventh trumpet and the seventh bowl would produce the largest earthquake in human history. The shaking and ground movement from the earthquake would be so great that cities will fall, and the islands and mountains of the world will disappear.

The seventh trumpet and seventh vial both call for many of the same events to happen – such as lightning, thundering, great earthquakes and hailstorms. This is all part of God’s judgment, Adams said, but a significant portion of survivors still won’t turn to Him as mentioned in the Bible.

“But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts,” the Bible states. (Revelation 9:20-21)

Adams: Only a massive cosmic impact could cause cities to fall

“The seventh vial mentions some of the aftereffects the seventh comet bombardment would have on Earth’s surface and mankind,” the Health Ranger said. “No fault that exists on Earth could generate an earthquake big enough to produce the amount of shaking brought by the seventh vial.”

The Bible nutrition educator pointed out that the only thing that could cause cities to fall is a large cosmic body producing a magnitude 14 or greater impact-generated tremor.

Adams explained that a giant comet hitting Earth could penetrate through the planet’s crust and release its energy deep inside to produce shock waves that could cause a mighty earthquake and trigger the crust to break up in places far from the impact site.

“The enormous amount of heat or thermal energy released by a deep impact inside the planet would bring damaging consequences. It would superheat Earth’s hot, molten core and cause the crust above it to melt,” Adams said. “The magma outflows of hot lava surging out of volcanoes and surface cracks would heat Earth’s crust from above while the deep impact would heat the crust from below.”

He added that the planet’s surface would rapidly melt as the crust dissolves and all the islands and mountains would become level with the gravity-tending geoid.

“In other words, everything gets reset to the sphere. The islands and mountains of the world would melt and disappear or level out just as the seventh vial [prophesies] the Earth’s surface would become a sea of molten, burning rock,” Adams concluded.

Check out CosmicImpacts.com for similar stories.

Listen to the 56th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the cosmic impacts that would reset Earth.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Dr. Stella Immanuel: Book of Revelation playing out in front of us – Brighteon.TV.

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