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Scotland has reportedly enacted new abortion laws that could land religious people in trouble with authorities if they pray in their homes — if the homes are in designated abortion “safe access zones.” 


The UK has become infamous in recent months for its crackdown on free speech (except when the “free speech” involves Muslim migrants cheering on terrorism). Scotland’s hate speech laws in particular have drawn criticism from free speech advocates across the political spectrum. A new report says that even Christians and other religious pro-lifers praying inside their own homes or displaying religious symbols could be in trouble if pro-abortion radicals in the area perceive the religious actions as a threat to their baby killing.

Scotland wasn’t just satisfied with banishing individuals who pray silently outside abortion clinics as witnesses against the murderous butchery going on inside. Now abortion “safe access zones” in Scotland could include private residences. The National Pulse reported Friday:

Christian and pro-life groups are raising alarms over new abortion laws in Scotland, which could criminalize prayer even in private homes. The legislation, which took effect last month, establishes 200-meter (~656-feet) “safe access zones” around all abortion clinics, banning activities that supposedly “harass, alarm, or distress” abortionists and their patients—including silent prayer vigils.

Even people living within these zones now face the possibility of prosecution for actions people can see or hear from outside their homes. This means activities such as praying aloud or displaying religious symbols could potentially be treated as crimes.


The leftist Scottish government apparently sent letters to Edinburgh residents insanely pontificating, “In general, the offenses apply in public places within the safe access zones. However, activities in a private place (such as a house) within the area between the protected premises and the boundary of a zone could be an offense if they can be seen or heard within the zone and are done intentionally or recklessly.”

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How on earth did we get to the point where a Western nation classifies prayer inside of a private home as “reckless”? The claim would be thoroughly laughable if it were not so terribly dangerous. 

GB News labeled the new Scottish law “one of the most horrific stories we’ve ever done.” Christian Concern chief executive Andrea Williams warned, “This is really serious,” calling the laws “regressive” instances of “state overreach.” The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children’s Michael Robinson said, “This sinister and deeply Orwellian guidance suggests that the buffer zone legislation could be used to control and regulate religious activity on private property.”


Let us pray that the spirit of Scottish saints like Margaret of Scotland, Ninian, and Kentigern, and the courage of Scottish heroes like Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, Bonnie Prince Charlie, and Mary Queen of Scots triumphs and reverses this Orwellian trend in Scotland.