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Is there something that seems like a minor deal but sets you off with plenty of rage?

Welcome to life as a human on Earth. Everyone has triggers when it comes to simple things that set them off, and I’m no different.

Trust me, there are plenty of annoying things that get me worked up. I just am a pro when it comes to biting my tongue and not escalating.

In case you thought you were alone in this respect, a new viral Reddit thread will prove you’re not.

Viral Reddit thread shines a light on annoying things that infuriate people.

A fascinating Reddit thread asks a very simple question:

What small thing annoys you to an irrational degree?

Click. I rushed to find out how many of the answers I also share. Turns out a lot. Read some of the top responses below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:

  • Groups of people who walk down the street, taking up the entire width of the sidewalk. When they walk slowly & then suddenly stop, it is rage inducing.
  • When people don’t f*cking use headphones in public
  • People trying to enter the elevator/subway/bus before letting people exit
  • when people leave a door open you’ve purposefully closed
  • When a book gets turned into a movie and then they change the cover of the book to look like the cover of the movie. It makes absolutely zero sense.
  • Chewing food with your mouth open.
  • People who litter.
  • Bro, when people don’t close the microwave door after using it. Like, how hard is it to just shut it?? It’s right there! I don’t know why, but it gets me every time
  • Interrupting. Not the occasional, accidental interrupting but the constant interrupting that some people do. Nothing tells other people that you don’t give a sh*t what they have to say like interrupting them. It pisses me off more than it is one area where I fully approve of passive aggressive behavior towards it.
  • People with victim based thinking who are actual victims of nothing. They’re everywhere.
  • When people get in front of me and are walking too slow. I often have the urge to tell them to move out of the way in a rude tone
  • The low battery fire alarm. I twitch when I hear that awful sound
  • When I’m at the grocery store and need to get to the Raisin Bran (or any other item) and some super slow poke is standing right in front of what I want just staring. “Dude, move! It’s not my fault I know exactly what I want and you are acting like you’ve never seen cereal before!”
  • People who sit in their cars in the neighborhood blasting their loud music with the bass
  • People who jog in the road — when there’s a perfectly good sidewalk right there to use.
  • When walking on a sidewalk, and people coming toward you continue to walk 2 or 3 wide, not getting over or barely giving you room. Extra points if you are with someone and go single file out of courtesy and they still don’t.
  • People that tell you a story. You remind them that they told you that story already. And they continue telling you the story. These people just love to hear themselves talk.

I think those answers make a lot of sense. I would say there’s three things that piss me off to no end, and two of them appeared above:

  • Idiots who walk around listening to music without headphones. This also applies to taking phone calls on speaker or FaceTime in public.
  • Slow walkers and groups that take up the entire sidewalk.
  • People who throw insanely loud parties into the early morning hours with the bass booming. (I called in my first ever noise complaint due to this.)

I could be having the best day possible, but if any one of those three things happen, it’s a 100% guarantee that I’m going to go through the roof. I’m not an angry person. Not even a little bit. I believe anger is an emotion that is rarely helpful.

However, we all must make exceptions in life, especially when it comes to people who are inconsiderate. That’s what you are if you do any of the three things listed above. I can’t tell you how often I’m in a grocery store in Washington, D.C. and people will be borderline yelling on FaceTime to someone or blasting music.

Do they think anyone cares about their lives? I promise we do not. The people who take up the entire sidewalk are just massive idiots and people who throw loud parties that ruin the neighborhood for everyone else should be locked up. 

What are some things that seem small, but in reality, send your temper soaring? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.