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A cartoon depiction of Barack Obama spying on Donald Trump – one of the most disgraceful acts by a president in US history.

Democrats turned to Barack Obama this week to stop the bleeding from the Kamala Harris campaign.

Obama spoke in Pennsylvania on Thursday and used his time on stage to attack President Donald Trump and then lie about his record.

During his appearance in Pennsylvania on Thursday Barack Obama attempted to take credit for the booming Trump economy.

What a crock.

Video via Breaking911.

Obama has a lot of nerve slandering President Trump. After all, it was the Obama Administration that was caught spying on the Trump Campaign, President-elect Trump, Trump’s family, and the Trump administration.

Here is a reminder on how Barack Obama was caught spying on Trump from our earlier reporting.

The Gateway Pundit was the first to report back in 2018 that the Deep State was using foreigners to spy on then-candidate Trump in 2015.  President Trump tweeted our report by Joe Hoft the following day and the fake news mainstream media immediately attacked him for promoting what they called a “conspiracy theory.”

We later discovered more evidence in 2020 that we were 100% correct in our initial reporting.

Joe Hoft reported on this development at the time.  In June of 2018 The Gateway Pundit posted an article identifying unredacted words in previously redacted texts between corrupt cops Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two individuals supposedly having an affair and key players at the top of the FBI involved in spying on candidate and then President Trump.

The discovery came from an individual on Twitter who was later removed from the platform, named Nick Falco, who identified a word uncovered in a Senate text that the corrupt DOJ previously redacted.

In our 2018 post, we noted that hidden in the information released by the Senate at that time were unredacted Strzok–Page texts that revealed that the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the Trump campaign in December 2015.

According to far left LA Times, Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016.

We knew then without a doubt that Comey lied about this.

Intelligence expert Tony Shaffer retweeted Falco’s tweet:

Falco’s tweet stated that the texts released from corrupt FBI investigator Peter Strzok to corrupt FBI attorney Lisa Page state the following :

BOMBSHELL- From DECEMBER 2015–The word LURES is redacted by FBI but not OIG; OCONUS LURES; OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US LURES= In this context LURES = SPIES – multiple – Is this an admission that the FBI wanted to run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents against Trump?”

Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit provided additional information showing that Obama’s spy, Stefan Halper, was awarded a contract in September of 2015.

We also pointed out that the problem with Obama spying on Trump before July 2016 is that it was against FBI rules and contradicted public statements:

Retired assistant FBI director for intelligence Kevin Brock also has questions. Brock supervised an agency update to their longstanding bureau rules governing the use of sources while working under then-director Robert Mueller. These rules prohibit the FBI from directing a human source to perform espionage on an American until a formal investigation has been opened – paperwork and all.

Brock sees oddities in how the Russia case began. “These types of investigations aren’t normally run by assistant directors and deputy directors at headquarters,” he told me. “All that happens normally in a field office, but that isn’t the case here and so it becomes a red flag. Congress would have legitimate oversight interests in the conditions and timing of the targeting of a confidential human source against a U.S. person.” -The Hill

The problem with Comey lying about the start date of the Trump counterintelligence campaign before Congress is that it is against the law.

President Trump tweeted out a follow up to our post the next day undoubtedly referring to our report:

The mainstream media was not interested in this unprecedented and illegal act by the Barack Obama administration. They were interested in accusing President Trump of tweeting a conspiracy story.   The fake news media denied the fact that spying on candidate Trump occurred despite evidence showing this happened and then slammed the President and the Gateway Pundit for posting the tweets from Nick Falco.

To this day Wikipedia (which supports crazy far-left and dishonest positions in anything related to President Trump) calls this work, a conspiracy and “Spygate” a conspiracy.

Wikipedia calls the above story a conspiracy and the Gateway Pundit a conspiracy media outlet. However, they don’t call CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, The New York Times, Washington Post, and the many other far-left sites conspiracy outlets for pushing the Trump – Russia collusion for more than six years now!

The liberal media and Wikipedia omitted the facts. For example, they state that the texts were released previously, yes they were but, THEY WERE REDACTED. Wikipedia is far-left when it comes to US politics!

US Intelligence and the Justice Department, including the FBI, were indeed spying on candidate Trump in 2015.

We now know, for instance, that corrupt DOJ attorney and number four at the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, set aside time to meet with Christopher Steele in his calendar in early October of 2015. Steele is the alleged author of the fake Steele dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, transition team and Presidency. Ohr’s calendar shows this meeting :

Based on his calendar and his wife Nellie’s testimony, we know that Bruce Ohr lied in front of Congress. Ohr lied about Nellie’s start date with Fusion GPS. The demoted and disgraced DOJ attorney Bruce Ohr stated in his testimony before Congress that Nellie started with Fusion GPS in November of 2015:

** You can read the rest of our previous report here.

Fast forward to today – Investigative reporter Michael Shellenberger reported on Monday night that the CIA had foreign spy agencies spy on candidate Donald Trump including 26 members of his campaign.

From Shellenberger on X.

CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say

United States Intelligence Community targeted 26 Trump advisors for foreign spy agencies to “reverse target” and “bump”

by Shellenberger, matt taibbi, and alex gutentag

Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.

Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.

The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in the public record.

Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation. The Five Eyes nations are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”

Unknown details about the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and raw intelligence related to the IC’s surveillance of the Trump campaign are in a 10-inch binder that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his term, sources told Public and Racket.

If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.

CNN, Politico, The Guardian, and others reported in 2017 that the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the UK’s equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA), was the “principal whistleblower” in the investigation into the alleged ties between Trump and the Russian government.

“GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence” wrote a team of reporters for The Guardian in April 2017.

This intelligence sharing was supposedly just the result of “incidental collection.” Reported The Guardian, “It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information. The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets.”

But now, sources say the GCHQ’s version of events is false. Instead, the US IC asked its foreign allies to target 26 members of Trump’s team, possibly to justify the FBI’s investigation.

“They were making contacts and bumping Trump people going back to March 2016,” a source close to the investigation said. “They were sending people around the UK, Australia, Italy — the Mossad in Italy. The MI6 was working at an intelligence school they had set up.”

The IC, a source said, considered the 26 Trump campaign people identified to “bump” or “reverse target,” or manipulate through confidential human sources (CHSs), to be easy marks because of their relative inexperience.

Doing so was illegal, both because US law prohibits such intelligence gathering unless authorized by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant and because the weaponization of the IC for political purposes constitutes election interference.

Brennan, former President Barack Obama, under whom he served, and the CIA did not respond to requests by Public and Racket for comment. The Justice Department also declined to comment. But, the FBI and GCHQ did respond.

“The allegations that GCHQ was asked to conduct ‘wire tapping’ against the then president-elect are nonsense,” said a GCHQ spokesperson. “They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.”

However, in our email presenting the claims to GCHQ, we did not refer to “wiretapping” but rather to its UK spy agency’s broader alleged involvement in the scheme.

Said the FBI, “The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that [Justice Department] Special Counsel [John] Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented.”

But the new information provided by our sources should significantly alter the public’s understanding of how the US IC, including the FBI and CIA, began their illegal investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia…

Here is the tweet.

FBI started spying on the Trump campaign after foreign governments “by chance” discovered evidence that his advisors were colluding with the Russians, the government says. But now, multiple credible sources tell us that the CIA asked foreign allies to spy on 26 Trump associates. pic.twitter.com/YeJhZBSEVq

— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) February 13, 2024

So will Barack Obama ever be held accountable for this dastardly and likely criminal act?