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Self-professed radio guru Jessie Kelly recently did a show discussing the reality that often what seems like a win in life can turn out to be a loss, and what seems like a loss can turn out to be a win.

I was thinking about this regarding the uproar from the vice-presidential debate question to JD Vance whether he thought Trump lost in 2020.

First let’s state the obvious… of course Trump won in 2020. The statistics are overwhelming. Leftists often try to use statistics to “prove” racial discrimination in all sorts of situations. For some reason, they don’t seem to have the same desires and statistical certitude regarding the overwhelming statistical evidence that Trump won.

Combine this with the truckload of obvious — and unexplainable — shenanigans across many states and it is clear the rightful winner was Trump.

And it all honesty, it still pisses me off that this was done in what was once the freest, greatest country the world has ever seen. And worse yet, so many — on both the Right and Left — were okay with it. Anything to keep that monster Trump out of office. 

So, at first glance this looks like — and felt like — a significant loss for the right and conservatism. Upon their taking office — and in this situation it really was taking office — Biden and company immediately set out to undo basically everything Trump had done. If Trump’s fingerprints were on it, it needed to be killed. Again, this looks like a loss.

But was it? If Trump’s win had been acknowledged he would have been President the last 3.5 years. A whole lot of bad things in this country and across the globe wouldn’t have happened. But they did.

But these actions and their results have acted as a catalyst to real change. Looking back, we will see this stolen election as the nadir, a profound inflection point in this country’s — and the world’s — politics.

We have discovered corruption and institutional rot that permeate our government and society. And this time the evidence is so overwhelming it is impossible to ignore or write off as right-wing fever dreams.

The blatant politicalization of the DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, military, judiciary etc. — really almost every aspect of the federal government — has been laid bare for all to see. For many of these folks, the concept of equal justice under the law is something they discarded long ago. Many states are as bad or worse.

For years, DEI has been destroying institutions and companies across the board. That is ending now.

Institutions of supposed “higher” education have revealed themselves to be little more than dumbing-down indoctrination centers. Much of public K-12 education has been shown to be the same. The school choice movement is now unstoppable.

I used to think the Great Replacement theory was a crazy idea but I’ve seen it in action. What other reason could there be for inviting tens of millions of the worlds illiterate poor to cross our now nonexistent borders to come feast on our social safety nets paid for by Americans? It is clear that American citizens are second-class entities in their own country — illegals come before them at every turn. This is undeniable.

The stolen election and its aftermath helped show this to millions. The same is true throughout Europe. We would never have gotten here without the stolen election.

These institutions were this way before, but this period has removed all doubt. And before one can begin to address an illness, you must first accept the reality of the disease. We have done that. 

The path forward won’t be a straight one. It will probably involve a lot of “2 steps forward, 1 step back” but we have bottomed out. The future might look far different than today but history will show this was the highwater mark for socialism, communism, big government, gender insanity, and a whole lot more.

And we owe this awakening to the “loss” of a stolen election which is turning out to be a wonderous win.

Compare what would have been the second term for Trump 45 versus Trump the 47th President of the United States. If he had been acknowledged as the winner, his administration would have continued to be hamstrung by the various pukes — RINOs, uniparty members, and just those intent on sabotage – who populated his administration from the VP on down. 

This will not be the case with Trump 47. Those folks are long gone and this time they will not be invited back. Trump and his cohorts are far sharper, far more prepared, and far more intellectually ready.

Vance versus Pence? Not even a contest. It will be the same across his administration.

Look at the new coalitions being formed this very moment. Minorities and the working class are embracing Trump like never before. Those who were once enemies have joined hands because their eyes have been opened by the results of this stolen election. It is truly a glorious thing.

47 will be orders of magnitude more impactful and successful than second-term 45 would have ever been! Here, and across the globe.

I laugh every time I think of that. Second-term 45 would have been successful, but 47 will be that on jet fuel. The impact Trump and his administration will have will exceed any before him. This is one of the reasons they want to kill him. And Trump isn’t the end, he’s just the beginning. This is a generational transformation that is just starting and it is now unstoppable.

So thanks for a stolen election. Whether it’s “what goes around, comes around” or FAFO this administration and their stolen election have sealed their fate — and it is not a pretty one. Sometimes what seems to be a loss turns out to be a win.

Thank you, God!

John Conlin is an expert in organizational design and change. He is also founder and President of E.I.C. Enterprises. He has been published in American Greatness, The Federalist, The Daily Caller, American Thinker, Houston Chronicle, Denver Post, and Public Square Magazine among others.

Image: Gage Skidmore