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Forbes wants Americans to pay $10 a gallon for gas to stop imaginary “global warming”

The planet is warming at too fast a rate for Forbes writer Nils Rokke who wrote an article for the rag that calls for gas prices across America to double in order to stop climate change.

Whatever Rokke is fearful about constitutes “a present-day emergency” in his mind, which means that “we must use every tool at our disposal to combat it,” including by forcing Americans to spend $10 per gallon of gas just to live.

Like the rest of the climate lunatics, Rokke is convinced that carbon, the basis of all life on earth, is evil and must be eradicated. This includes carbon dioxide (CO2), an element that plants need in order to live.

In Rokke’s mind, the “social cost of carbon” is simply too high to allow Americans to continue spending any less than $10 per gallon of gas. Higher gas prices, according to Rokke, will cure global warming.

(Related: Oil prices are already surging due to insiders overhearing Joe Biden the other day “discussing” military attacks on Iranian oil facilities.)

Will Nils Rokke start voluntarily paying $10 per gallon for gas to stop carbon?

As part of his argument, Rokke cited some bogus study that claims, without any evidence, that a “1°C warming reduces world GDP by 12%.” Since Rokke believes that carbon contributes to warming, he wants everyone who drives a car to be punished.

Rokke says that the “real social cost” of carbon is “approximately $9 per U.S. gallon.” To implement that cost “would more than double current prices,” he admits.

“This would be deeply unpopular, yet it’s a sobering reality: fuel taxation is the only area where we’re even close to covering the full social cost of carbon emissions,” Rokke writes.

As usual, Rokke also threw in a few tidbits about how the “vulnerable” and people with the “least resources” will be most punished by $10 per gallon gas while the rich will not even notice the change except that perhaps there will be a lot fewer poor people on America’s roadways, leaving plenty of room for the rich and famous to rule everything.

“The reality is that paying the full social cost of carbon seems unfeasible, but mounting evidence shows that the costs of inaction are even higher,” Rokke claims.

In other words, making driving too expensive for most Americans to continue doing, which will effectively reward the rich by clearing the roadways and airways of all the unwashed masses, is how Rokke plans to solve climate change.

“The time to act is now – before we reach the tipping point where recovery is no longer possible,” Rokke concludes his fearmongering piece in promotion of a climate-driven class war centered around depriving most people of their freedom to drive.

In the comments, someone wrote that Rokke and all others like him should just hold their breath until they die “to stop CO2 emissions and pay the social cost of breathing.”

“A personal CO2 reclamation device should work,” joked another. “Also known as a plastic bag.”

“Big Business used to be seen as greedy but sane. Now, they have fully surrendered,” wrote another about the rot that has destroyed every element of what made America at least a decent place to live. “They are on board with the pedo-Marxist globalist agenda.”

“They are worse than the psychopaths of the American Left. They know better, but they are greedy, unprincipled, cowardly and short-sighted. The enablers of psychopaths will face a harsher judgement than the psychopaths themselves.”

“Nils Rokke is Greta Thunberg in a business suit,” wrote another. “A corrupt, brainwashed Scandinavian and nothing more.”

The latest climate lunacy to make headlines can be found at GreenTyranny.news.

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