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How many close calls will it take before Democrats stop comparing Donald Trump to Hitler?

While speaking with CNN host John Berman on Monday, Democratic strategist Aisha Mills accused Donald Trump of showing admiration for Nazis and Adolf Hitler, asserting he “would absolutely attempt to exterminate an entire group of people.”

Mills made the comments in response to a soundbite from Huge Hewitt’s interview with Trump in which the former president said “We got a lot of bad genes in our country right now” while discussing the roughly 13,000 illegal immigrant murderers.

“My first reaction is that we have long known that Donald Trump has revered the Nazis, he has revered Hitler, he’s read his book, he used to say he had it on his nightstand,” Mills said. “Donald Trump has had a very sinister philosophy, wanting to be a dictator, absolutely dividing people up based on who they are, based on factors about them that have to do with their race and their gender, et cetera.”

Watch the clip below:

Despite two attempts made on his life, Democrats continue to paint Trump as an evil dictator on the same level as Adolf Hitler — a man responsible for the murder of six million Jews.

During a recent exchange with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Donald Trump Jr. pushed back on the violent rhetoric coming from Democrats and the media mob.

“You know that didn’t just magically happen. That’s not him, that’s a media-created fake Russia scenario. They ran with it for years. Even when it was disproven, they still ran with it. You know, that environment wasn’t just created by Donald Trump,” he continued.

Collins tried, and failed, to defend the media.

“Okay, but, but can I say, you can’t blame — and no one wants — everyone wants your dad to be safe,” she insisted.

“Everyone wants your dad to be safe. No one wants the threats against his life to happen. But you can’t blame the media for those threats. There’s been no evidence.”

“When someone calls — and allows people to have a platform to call someone literally Hitler every day for nine years, it creates it, whether you want to believe it or not. That’s a fact,” Trump Jr. said.