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Oh, the concern trolling!

Few things drip with more insincerity than overwrought lamentations in the mainstream media about the future of the Republican Party. Every denizen of the Coastal Media Bubble™ would love nothing better than to see the GOP disappear from the face of the Earth overnight. 


Faux concern for the fate and state of the Grand Old Party predates Donald Trump’s rise to the top of it. It is, however, yet another emotional thing that has intensified in the Trump era. 

Before we get into a couple of recent examples, I would like to remind everyone that — according to the hacks in the MSM — the Republicans are always on the brink of an epic internal battle for the soul of the party. It’s a Dem PSYOP designed to take advantage of the fact that Republicans aren’t a hive mind like they are and foment unrest. Two prominent Beltway Democrats could literally be at each other’s throats and The New York Times wouldn’t have anything to say about it. However, if two Republicans go to lunch in Washington and order different things, the headlines scream, “REPUBLICAN CIVIL WAR.” 

Now that we’ve all had our grain of salt, let’s look at a couple of eyeroll-inducing things I’ve read in the last several days. 

On Sunday, the “1 big thing” section of the Axios Sneak Peek newsletter examined what happens 
“If Trump loses.” This is rich: 

An identity crisis. A brutal power struggle. Years in the wilderness.

  • If Trump is defeated in next month’s election, the Republican Party will face a reckoning unprecedented in modern political history.

Why it matters: Never before has a party’s identity been so deeply entwined with the fate, fortunes and flaws of one man.

  • Four consecutive poor election cycles would unleash a wave of sustained scrutiny that the GOP, as it currently exists, may not survive.


Unlike the 20-something (he might be 30 now) kid who writes Sneak Peek, I distinctly remember voting in the 1984 election. I can assure anyone who doesn’t that the Republican Party’s identity was “deeply entwined” with all things Ronald Reagan. 

This is what happens when “journalists” go straight from Chuck E. Cheese to being paid for perspective-free opinions. 

The “poor election cycles” had more to do with an unfortunate combination of a COVID-19 and Ronna McDaniel, although Trump did play a part in keeping McDaniel around too long. 

I do agree with Snotnose McBias that the GOP may not survive a Trump loss, but that’s because Kamala Harris will make sure that the United States as we know it no longer exists if she’s elected president. 

Let’s move on to the next example, from a guest Opinion column last week in The Washington Post

Mormon voters in two important counties — Maricopa in Arizona and Clark in Nevada — might hold the keys to the White House. As roughly 5 percent of the population in suburban Phoenix and Las Vegas, these civically engaged, Constitution-loving Latter-day Saints can hasten the rescue of the Republican Party from Donald Trump and restore dignity to the republic.

This is another young, perspective-challenged author. I had a hint about his age when, later in the article, he was fondly remembering Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, which nobody who was old enough to vote Republican that year does. WaPo is very light on the author’s biographical details, but I found something he wrote for the Salt Lake Tribune in September of last year that said he was a senior at BYU. 


The notion that the Republican Party needs to be rescued from Donald Trump is absurd. The only Republicans who are worried about the future of the party are the Never Trumpers who want to return to the GOP that rolls over and plays dead for the Democrats, but gets an occasional pat on the head from The New York Times. 

Relevant: Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week—Never Trumpers Miss the GOP That Loses Edition

If there does manage to be a glimmer of hope for 2028 should Kamala Harris win, it will be because Trump helped toughen up the party. Every Never Trump article that waxes nostalgic for the GOP of yesteryear is written by someone who is so consumed with hatred for Donald Trump that he or she can’t grasp the obvious dangers that Kamala Harris presents to the future of the Republic.

What the Nevers really don’t get is that there isn’t going to be a big Kumbaya moment for them if Trump loses. The Republicans and conservatives I know who are voting for Trump this year are doing it enthusiastically. Yes, that includes the people who used to rend their garments about his personality or his past or whatever. When an idiotic Never Trumper goes off on Trump, the rest of us are insulted too. 

Because we are the party now, and we’re not in the mood for any rescuing by a bunch of sellouts. Nor are we suffering from any worries about an identity crisis. We know who we are. 


We’re the ones that want the United States of America to still be the United States of America at this time next year. 

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