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Since the Oct. 7, 2023 pogrom by Hamas, antisemitism has marched around the world with the Palestinian flag.

The struggle for the rights of Palestinian Arabs comes at the expense of the rights of Israelis to live.

The struggle for the “liberation of Palestine,” presented as a struggle against the “colonialism” of Israelis, has turned into undisguised antisemitism.

If antisemitism was previously taboo in the world of the Democratic Left, it is the campaign for the “liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea,” that has legitimized anti-Jewish sentiment to the level of carrying out genocide against the Israelis.

Before Oct. 7, 2023, antisemitism masqueraded as anti-Zionism, but after the massive Hamas-led terrorist attack, antisemitism became a “legitimate” denial of Israel’s right to exist through the genocide of the Jewish people in many parts of the globe.

It was no longer about a supposed opposition to Zionism at that point, but about the destruction of the Jewish state. This antisemitism is not a product of right-wing Judeophobia as it had been in the past, it is the ideology of left-wing extremists.

It is redolent of the definition of antisemitism attributed to the German socialist August Bebel (1840-1913) and Austrian jurist and staunch opponent of antisemitism, Dr. Ferdinand Kronawetter, (1838-1913), that “antisemitism is the socialism of fools.”

In the period characterized by Bebel and Kronawetter, antisemitism was explained in terms of social injustice allegedly caused by Jewish capital and Jewish power.

“Antisemitism is the socialism of fools” is a statement refuting the idea that Jewish wealth and power is the source of social injustice.

But the myth of behind-the-scenes masters of the world, bloodthirsty moneybags and poisoners of people’s souls, which Bebel and Kronawetter called “the socialism of fools,” has proven very popular.

Thomas Mann called such antisemitism ‘fascism’: “Someone aptly called fascism the socialism of fools. So, antisemitism is the aristocratism of the rabble. It can be reduced to a very simple formula: “I’m nobody, but I’m not a Jew!” The fool believes he is really something.”

The socialism denounced by Bebel and Kronawetter derives from one of the originators of this doctrine, the French socialist Charles Fourier, who called Jews “parasites, merchants, usurers,” and whose emancipation he called “the most shameful of all recent vices of society.”

Dr. Hyman Lumer (1909-1976), a leader of the Jewish left wing and the Communist Party USA, wrote: “Zionism is […] in its very essence a racist ideology. It sets the Jewish people apart as a special people, a “chosen” people – if you will, a superior people. In Israel, the Zionist rulers have created a racist state.” (cited in Arnold Foster and Benjamin R. Epstein, The New Antisemitism, McGraw–Hill Book Company, New York, 1974. p.147.)

It was regarding this Leftist hatred of the Jews that American Socialist Irving Howe wrote, “In the warmest of hearts there is a cold spot for the Jews.”

As U.S. senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan has said, “Antisemitism has become a unifying global ideology of the totalitarian Left.”

Pierre-André Taguieff, a French philosopher, expert on racism and antisemitism, in his 2002 book La Nouvelle judéophobie, Mille et une Nuits, “Essai”, Paris, 2002), introduced the term “Islamo-left” (“Islamo-gauchism” — gauche means ‘left’ in French) to emphasize the convergence between some extreme leftists and Islamism.

The left wing of the U.S. Democrat party combines sympathies for social justice with sympathies for fighting “colonialism” and embodies “antisemitism as the socialism of fools.”

Accusations of Israelis “colonizing Palestine” are historically meaningless because Jews are the indigenous population of Palestine and settled there before the Arabs.

Characterizing the Israelis as imperialists seems ridiculous, especially against the backdrop of the aspirations of the Iranian mullah regime, the organizers of war and terror in the Middle East, busily exporting the Islamic Shiite revolution.

However, it is not customary in leftist circles of the Democrat party to label the activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran as imperialist policy.  

Israel, by its very existence, provokes Iran to attack it, for the very presence of the Jewish state threatens the Islamic Republic’s own plan to take over the Middle East.

Israel is an oasis of democracy and an embodiment of strength in the desert of terror organized by the Islamic Republic for the sake of power over other countries and peoples. It is not the Jews who seek to occupy other people’s territories, but Iran wants to take over non-Shia countries.

Israel knows how to fight terror, unlike the U.S., which can’t even defeat the Houthi pirates — the Iranian proxies who have paralyzed shipping in the Middle East.

According to Bernard Lewis in The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, published by Random House of New York in 2004, the inability of Americans to fight terror is described in the memoirs of the participants in the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran, who held the building from 1979 to 1981.

According to them, they intended to hold the embassy and hostages for several days. They changed their minds when statements from official Washington made it unequivocally clear that no serious action against them was planned.

Antisemitism is not only “the socialism of fools,” but also the bigotry of fools and the impotence of those who idly watch Islamic antisemitism in the Middle East from the sidelines and poorly understand the possible consequences of their passivity. The lack of active resistance to this phenomenon threatens not only Israel but also Western civilization, of which the Jewish state is the forefront.

Israel acts against its enemies in the language of force and cunning, Arabic and Persian, languages they understand. 

It does not agree with the Biden administration’s calls for “peace,” and a ceasefire.

The Democrat party leadership speaks English to the terrorists.

English sounds false in this region.

The tunes of ‘peace’ in the Middle East region are false. The music of the Middle East is the music of war. The path of peace leads in the Middle East to war. The path of war in the Middle East can lead to peace. Lies and self-deception reign in the diplomatic cabinets where truces and peace agreements are negotiated. There is a religious war, a Jihad, in the Middle East.

Iran has created an “axis of resistance” which is a method of importing Shia imperialism and anti-Western terror. Peaceful English in addressing terrorists may be necessary to keep the Democrat party in power, but it doesn’t work to preserve Western civilization. 
