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Man oh man does it pay to be an elite.

I shopped for clothes at Goodwill last week, but I’m glad the guy who ran out of FEMA money for Appalachia has time to spend thousands of dollars on preppy business-casual clothes.

From the Free Beacon:

Mayorkas, who was impeached by the House of Representatives earlier this year for his handling of the border crisis, was spotted by the Washington Free Beacon strolling through the mens section of Sid Mashburn, a high-end menswear store, surrounded by security. He appeared to purchase some items at the store, where suit jackets go for as much as three thousand dollars.

Who among us doesn’t have money to afford $200 for a button-up shirt?

It amazes me to see the luxurious life that our “security” chiefs lead. In a constitutional republic, they are supposed to be employees of We The People. We hire them to do the job of governing in line with our interests.

But that’s not how it works anymore. To prove it, look at how they wield power and how they spend their time.

  • Is Mayorkas working tirelessly to stop rapists and murders from entering America, or he is allowing – even encouraging – the illegal entry of throngs of people into the homeland?

  • Is he working long hours – putting in overtime to make sure that resources are being quickly and properly doled out in disaster zone? Or is he dropping thousands of dollars on a new golfing shirts?

About the emergency in Appalachia:

The Department of Homeland Security’s sub agency, FEMA, is tasked with the recovery efforts in areas that were battered by Hurricane Helene last month. Estimated damages from the hurricane may top $30 billion and at least 227 people have died. Hundreds more are missing.

Mayorkas said earlier this month that FEMA ‘does not have enough funds for the remainder of the hurricane season.’

If the government is no longer acting in our interests or for our security, what should we do?

Tom Jefferson had a few thoughts…

…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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