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We already know how horrible the legacy media has been throughout Hurricane Helene and during the relief efforts (or lack thereof from the government) in its wake. This is not a surprise to any of us. 


But earlier today, Tim Alberta, staff writer for The Atlantic, took the hackery to a whole new level by trying to mock the efforts of a legitimate journalist, Katie Pavlich, to call attention to the plight of hurricane victims in North Carolina. 

It started yesterday when Pavlich tweeted a testimonial from a friend noting how bad the conditions were and how everyone in the area has had to rely on private support since the government is nowhere to be found. 

Based on FEMA’s own statements, where they have advised people to wait UP TO 10 DAYS for any relief, what Pavlich is describing here does not seem all that far from reality. 

But here’s the thing. Pavlich wasn’t filing a news report. She wasn’t writing a column. She wasn’t breaking an exclusive. 

She was just tweeting her concern for her friend and helping to get the word out about conditions on the ground from the people who live in the affected area. 

Most normal people would express sympathy and echo her concerns (and thousands did). 

But if you work for The Atlantic, you are not a normal person. You are a leftist hack who only wants to defend and push a narrative. 



That’s where Alberta entered the conversation, calling out Pavlich for not ‘sourcing’ her information and mocking her about ‘journalistic standards.’

Dude. What the hell is wrong with you? 

Also, you know you work for The Atlantic, right? Your publication only exists to publish unsourced lies about Donald Trump, facts be damned. 

Remember ‘Russian collusion,’ Tim?

The left spent years pushing that and never once had a solid source or employed any journalistic standards. 



Yes, we should never forget that the ‘suckers and losers’ hoax originated with The Atlantic. 

This is true. Alberta told the world exactly who he is. And ain’t none of it good. 

Oh, but wait. It gets better. 

It gets sooooo much better. 

Because the internet is forever and there is always a tweet. Always. 

Well, well, well. Would you look at that? It seems as though, when Hurricane Harvey hit Louisiana and Texas, Alberta — paragon of ‘journalistic integrity’ that he is — was perfectly fine with anecdotally reporting from people on the ground. 

We’ll give you three guesses as to who was President when Harvey blew through Houston, but you’ll only need one. 

(Here’s a hint: he’s an ‘orange man’ who broke the left so fundamentally that they have called him Hitler for years and inspired two would-be assassins.)

Oh, look. There’s more from Alberta’s ‘buddy’ in Houston. Nice ‘journalistic integrity’ there.

Don’t get us wrong. We think it’s actually a good thing that Alberta was trying to help Houstonians get the word out in 2017. 


Why is he so against it now? Yeah. We know why. 

How’s that rake feel on your face, Tim? 

Deranged and also a complete hypocrite are not a good combination for a ‘journalist.’

The limit does not exist. 

We don’t advocate violence here at Twitchy, but we will advocate mocking Alberta and everyone like him into oblivion. And using his own tweets to do so. 


There’s the problem right there in a nutshell. Alberta does not believe that journalism is his job. He is an activist and all he cares about is his ‘team.’ 

And leave his apartment where he can order Uber Eats anytime he wants? Not a chance in hell. 

Right? As Stan Lee would say, ‘Nuff said.’

It’s even funnier when you consider that their ‘sources’ in D.C. are often just talking points from the administrative state itself. And staffers at The Atlantic are the swamp’s stenographers. 

But God forbid Katie Pavlich send a tweet about what she heard directly from a friend. Only Alberta can do things like that. 

Yep. That pretty much sums it up. 

As for Katie Pavlich, she didn’t dignify Alberta with a response (good for her). Instead, she just kept tweeting from people in the area, like photos from North Carolina showing private citizens rescuing horses and thanking Elon Musk for everything he has been doing for them.


Would you like to question the ‘journalistic integrity’ of those photos too, Tim Alberta? 

Or have you stepped on enough rakes for one lifetime?