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The 10th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams, part of his 100 Sermons series, touched on this question: What qualifies people to share the Word of God?

He based this sermon on a verse from St. Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians in the New Testament, which reads: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh” (2 Corinthians 10:3). Many church members in the ancient city of Corinth, particularly the religious leaders who had become popular and wealthy, did not walk in the path of God and violated several tenets necessary to be true communicators of His Word.

Adams said any person can share the Word of God, but there are moral, ethical and common-sense requirements to be someone who can teach God’s Word with some sense of authority. One such requirement is sharing His word with a sense of humility.

“To become boastful, to become wealthy, to flaunt wealth as you are attempting to share the Word of God is a living contradiction,” he said. However, the bible nutrition educator clarified that it doesn’t mean a person can’t accumulate wealth altogether.

One of the proper roles of those who have been blessed is to be a hub of redistribution of resources and assets to those who are in need and to those who can leverage those resources. Hoarding wealth, Adams remarked, disqualifies people from teaching the Word of God because they are not walking with humility.

Another requirement is being called to become a teacher of the Word of God, something Adams described as very personal. People are called to share God’s Word in many different ways.

“Sometimes you don’t know how God will lead you through a series of events and you might be in a similar situation yourself. You don’t know what God will call upon you to do tomorrow or next year for that matter. But whatever He calls you to do, it is important to listen to God and His plans for you.”

Health Ranger persecuted for sharing God’s Word

The Brighteon.com and Natural News founder recounted that his great grandfather was an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. For his part, Adams also recalled his life being saved by an angelic voice. Since then, the spirit of the Word of God had grown within him over the years – which culminated in his realization that the right time has come for him to share God’s Word.

Because of this noble endeavor, the Health Ranger was subjected to so much persecution and suffering – as well as censorship, defamation and campaigns of lies waged by governments and the Deep State. But for him, this has become another modern-day experience that parallels what St. Paul endured during his time.

“Because of these parallels, God calls me to teach His Word today in this era using our words in our time. And if you feel called to share the Word of God in our time with your people, and if you are willing to humble yourself before God, and you are willing to pursue this task, this calling in honoring God, honoring what He demands of us, then you too are qualified,” Adams said.

“No one can disqualify you from the earthly realm because only God qualifies you. When you are in alignment with God you are qualified, and when you have shared these experiences of persecution then suddenly it resonates with you.” (Related: America Unhinged with Dr. John Diamond: People must spread the Word of God beyond the walls of a church – Brighteon.TV.)

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Listen to the 10th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about sharing God’s Word with other people.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.

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