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On Tuesday, Iran attacked Israel again, launching hundreds of missiles at the Jewish state, targeting 10 million civilians. Kamala Harris quickly made a cameo at the White House to meet with the national security team in the Situation Room, and later issued a public statement about the attack.


Her public statement ought to have been a key moment for her as vice president—one where she projected strength, confidence, and resolve. Instead, her delivery only exposed a dangerous sense of weakness, confusion, and a lack of real leadership. For someone who’d been in the Situation Room next to President Biden, supposedly directing a response to an international crisis, she came across as unprepared and scared, as though she had no idea what she was even talking about.

“I’m clear-eyed,” she began. “Iran is a destabilizing, dangerous force in the Middle East, and today’s attack on Israel only further demonstrates that fact.” This was meant to sound resolute, but instead, it sounded painfully scripted as she mostly kept her eyes downward at her prepared remarks.

I’m not sure what she was trying to get across by saying she was “clear-eyed.” The phrase felt forced and unatural, like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else. Does she even grasp the gravity of what’s happening, or is she just repeating lines fed to her?

She continued, “Earlier today, I was in the Situation Room with President Biden and our national security team as we monitored the attack in real time.”

But, her attempt to present herself as in command of the situation failed miserably with her demeanor conveying anything but confidence. There was an uneasiness in her tone, as if she was more of a passive observer rather than a leader taking an active roll in the White House response. 


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Make no mistake about it; if she wasn’t running for president right now, she wouldn’t have made any statement at all. This was all for the benefit of her campaign, giving her an opportunity to appear presidential and capable of handling international crises.

And boy did she fail.

“I fully support President Biden’s order for the US military to shoot down Iranian missiles targeting Israel,” she said. “We are still assessing the impact, but initial indications are that Israel, with our assistance, was able to defeat this attack. Our joint defenses have been effective, and this operation and successful cooperation saved many innocent lives.”

So this was supposed to be her moment to prove herself capable and yet she clung to Biden’s coattails, making sure everyone knew she was in the room but adding nothing of substance. This doesn’t sound like someone who had any input or decision-making role managing the crisis. She was just there for the photo op, backing up decisions made by other people on Biden’s behalf.

The rest of her statement followed the same predictable script we’ve heard variations of plenty of times before. “My commitment to the security of Israel is unwavering,” she claimed, yet when you watch the delivery of her statement, you can’t help but wonder if she even had any grasp on what . 


Kamala Harris had a prime opportunity to step up as a decisive leader during a moment of international crisis. Instead, she appeared out of her depth—nervous, unsure, and devoid of any real contribution. At a time when strong, clear leadership is crucial, her performance was anything but. She’s grown so accustomed to relying on vibes and platitudes on the campaign trail that when faced with a situation of international consequence, she collapsed under the pressure, crumbling like a house of cards.