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We’ve had no shortage of Twitchy coverage over the past few days regarding the absolutely disgraceful response from the Biden-Harris administration to Hurricane Helene and, more importantly, the utter disdain they are showing for Americans in several states who are suffering in the storm’s aftermath. 


From Joe Biden sleeping on a beach (again) during the hurricane and ignoring reporters’ questions to Kamala Harris holding a swanky fundraiser with Stevie Wonder during the storm … and then also ignoring reporters’ questions, it has been abysmal up and down the administration. Meanwhile, the same media that excoriated George W. Bush for flying over the site of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 has been running full cover for the Biden administration’s failures

But one Twitter account found a great and … well, let’s say ‘unique’ way over the past few days to get Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, and the rest of the administration finally to focus on Americans in need. 

The Virginia Project (TVP) is a favorite account of this writer because of the work it has put in in recent elections in the Commonwealth. TVP was instrumental in helping Glenn Youngkin win in the 2021 gubernatorial election and, just as importantly, has focused on establishing strong election integrity measures in Virginia to prevent Democrats from cheating not only in 2024 but long into the future. 

Earlier this week, TVP cracked us up with this hilarious tweet requesting aid for the residents of North Carolina: 

We won’t make you click to get the translation, so here is what the tweet reads in English: 



Help Mr. Biden, we need your help for our Ukrainian town of Asheville in the Ukrainian state of North Carolina.

BOOM. All the BOOM. 

Not only is it funny, but it is also squarely on target. Biden and Harris have no problem sending countless billions to a border war in Europe (with ZERO accountability for that taxpayer money) but notoriously have said ‘No,’ when asked if they could do anything more for residents of North Carolina

The obvious solution? Convince the senile Biden and the dim-witted Harris that North Carolina IS part of Ukraine. 

If you can get a laugh from Elon on your tweet, you’ve done a pretty good job. 

Others followed up also playing off of the joke and mocking Biden and Harris for their priorities. 

Hey, Harris thinks the U.S. has an alliance with North Korea, so it’s not out of the question that we could convince her that Kyiv is in Appalachia. 

There were just a few glitches in TVP’s plan, however.

‘The Big Guy’ has to get his cut, after all. But assuming we can work that out, this would likely be Biden’s response: 


(Actually, it’s our money, but it’s a good joke, so we’ll let that slide). 

That may be the funniest part though. In fact, TVP’s ruse (along with huge amounts of pressure from other prominent social media accounts) does seem to have worked. 

It only took a few days for someone in the White House (or on the beach) to wake him up. 

Job well done. 

Of course, the response from Biden and Harris even after they acknowledged the disaster has been perfunctory at best, so TVP needed to keep up the requests.

Aaaand, now we are DEAD. LOL. 

We’re not sure which is the best part of that map, the Ukrainian flag, the lines indicating invading Russians, or the clear instructions that ‘Aid Goes Here.’ The whole image is gold.  



Maybe we can send Sean Penn to Asheville to raise awareness about the plight of Ukrainians in North Carolina. 

Accompanied by a lavish gala, of course. 

Yes, in reality, the aftermath of Hurricane Helene is no laughing matter for millions of people across multiple states. 

But when the current administration acts so hypocritically and when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make it clear that they are running an ‘America and Americans Last’ agenda, it is not just the right thing to do to mock them, but it is an obligation to mock them. 

The Virginia Project accomplished that masterfully this week. 

Now, if we could just get some of that $200 billion and counting that Biden and Harris keep sending overseas, we could make some real progress.