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According to NPR, toxic masculinity and beef are changing the direction of the wind. And given that climate science is nothing more than political science, it only makes sense that the left would try and make food controversial.

According to The Post Millennial:

National Public Radio knows who is driving climate change as an existential threat: men who eat meat. And they found the origins of the current crisis in a 2006 television ad for Burger KIng that heralded the fast food chain and its appetite-satisfying whopper as a source of masculine culinary delight totally unlike the small portions of vegetarian food offered by places where women like to frequent.

That ad began running when Malcolm Regisford, whom NPR interviewed for the story, was 10 years old, Regisford saw this commercial often in between his cartoons. “Beef is marketed to men — steaks and hefty burgers — like, ‘that’s what a man’s supposed to eat,’” he told NPR. Regisford kept hearing these messages all through middle and high school and into college, where he played Division 1 basketball. “It’s thought that animal products yield a certain sense of strength,” he told the taxpayer-funded media outlet. “Some form of masculinity.”

It’s not a matter of opinion, you cannot build muscle without protein and will have a much easier time doing that with meat. Additionally, plants have anti-nutrients and meats have a higher bioavailability of protein. So when you rely on things like beans, you deal with compounds that can affect the absorption of nutrients.

There is also no way that mass agriculture is better for the environment than pasture-raised, grass-fed cows. Not only does monocropping destroy entire ecosystems and deplete our soil, but cows do the exact opposite.

NPR found others to confirm that eating beef is a man thing to do and even statistics prove it, according to Diego Rose, nutrition program director at Tulane University. “Whenever we’ve looked at the question of gender, we’ve seen that,” Rose told the outlet. “Men eat greater amounts of beef than women.”

Do you think that is also because men eat more food in general?

That might be fine, but according to NPR, all the beef eating is promoting more climate change, because, as “scientists say,” beef is worse than any other food when it comes to global warming. Cattle require grazing land that must denuded of its trees. And of course, cows are constantly flatulating and that produces “powerful greenhouse gas emissions” that produce climate change. Climate change alarmists also blame human breathing for emissions.

So are we just going to act like trees must not be chopped to grow plant food? Just imagine how much land will be required for the masses to live off plants, we would have a climate disaster, especially because you need more plants to compare to the nutritional content of meat.

Every time Progressives come up with an idea their “solutions” always end up creating more problems than anyone could have imagined.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com