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Let’s get one basic fact out of the way: Democrats want you to think that there are fewer illegal aliens “border crossings” and that this means there are fewer illegal aliens coming across the border under the Harris and Biden Administration. They want you to be believe that they’ve opened up the border for “urgent humanitarian reasons.” Their claims are frauds on the American people that should be exposed before one more person votes in this election. 


These rhetorical sleights-of-hand lies are designed to get you to believe that the rest of us watching and reporting this invasion are liars and disinformation outlets and that you can’t believe your own lyin’ eyes. 

And as usual, the disinformation specialists are getting their marching orders from Talking Points Memo and Media Matters, and the White House, like the Operation Mockingbird reporters they are. 

MSNBC’s Joy Reid says “border crossings are down” and calls Donald Trump a “fascist” because of his desire to deport many illegal aliens voters. Thanks for “lowering the temperature” of poisoned political prose, “Joy.” You just can’t wait to be the next MSNBC host who inspired an assassination attempt, can you? I’m curious, do you get a bonus for that?

And then there’s this exchange during the White House press briefing on Monday. Spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, when provided with the government’s own numbers of known convicted murderers and rapists released into the United States, said those facts were “debunked” and “fact checked” by “by some of your colleagues…multiple, multiple colleagues,” without explaining to Fox News’s Peter Doocy why their own numbers were wrong. 

Saying they were “fact checked” was the pixie dust she sprinkled over the question to make the numbers “wrong.” 


Watch this. It’s an embarrassment that a spokesman/woman for the White House would dare try this and then be unchallenged by any other reporters.

“Can you identify what the misrepresentation is?” Doocy asked. And she couldn’t. Indeed, her non-answer was a rhetorical, non-grammatical free-for-all. 

There are far more illegal aliens coming into the country under Biden and Harris than at any time anyone can remember. Why? They’re flying them in. Indeed, they’re letting convicted rapists and murderers into the United States. 

Worse? While Joy Reid and her fellow travelers were spewing pants-on-fire lies, Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Reform was blowing the lid off the Illegal Aliens Airlines scandal. 

The Biden/Harris Administration was embarrassed into momentarily pausing the concierge service for the Illegal Aliens Airlines scam, but then the government restarted and doubled down on the program. Harris/Biden and company began bringing in more people, including people from vacation hot spots Americans spend big bucks to go to, for—you’ll love this— “urgent humanitarian reasons.”

Those Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans supposedly rescued for “urgent humanitarian reasons,” as the administration sold it to the American people, are flying to U.S. sanctuary from the safest, most prosperous, “happiest” nations and vacation wonderlands on planet Earth. Not from their problematic home countries, as the administration has mendaciously let the American people believe.[emphasis added]

CIS was able to finally pry from government hands the stunning, unexpected list of 73 departure countries it was hiding.

The list shows Cubans, Haitians, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans are flying from beautiful Caribbean vacation hotspots such as Barbados, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Not to mention from Fiji and Australia.


What that means, in case you just fell out of a coconut tree, is that these people were living in an economically well off area and then were brought into the United States for fake “urgent humanitarian reasons.”

Bensman adds that the grift is even worse than that.

In addition to humanitarian motives, the government’s original justification for this program was that it would provide a “significant public benefit” to the United States by decongesting the borderlands.

That, it turns out, was a big fat lie. Many of the flight beneficiaries were nowhere near the migration routes headed to the southern border, and were instead living in wealthy European Union countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy. 

And also in the “happiest” of the wealthiest European countries of Finland, Sweden Norway, and the Netherlands. They’re flying in from Poland and the Czech Republic. From the vacation wonderlands of Iceland and Greece too.

The chances that the flights program would save Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans from dangerous forced marches on Latin America’s migration routes to escape certain death, as the administration has publicly argued, amounts to exactly zero.[Emphasis added]

Zero point zero. 

It’s a scam on top of scam about which the White House spokesmodel lies and disinforms with impunity. Fact check that, KJP. 
