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Ask any person on the street, and they’ll be able to tell you why more Americans are skipping the restaurant and eating at home.

It’s because the Biden-Harris economy sucks and everything is very expensive.


Really that simple.

And yet, here’s the AP, acting like they’ve cracked the unsolvable case:

They write:

Eating in is in and eating out is out.

That’s the message that inflation-squeezed consumer s have been sending to fast-food companies and other restaurants. Meanwhile food producers are benefitting from more palatable prices in grocery store aisles.

Inflation has been easing broadly for more than a year now, and it’s been cooling faster for grocery items since the middle of the year. The current trend marks a reversal from previous years when grocery inflation outpaced restaurants as food producers raised prices, often fattening their profit margins.

The shift has been weighing on McDonald’s, Olive Garden owner Darden Restaurants, and similar chains.

Orlando-based Darden reported a 1.1% sales drop at restaurants open for at least a year. The decline was a more severe 2.9% at the Olive Garden chain. July was especially weak.

Let’s be clear: the rate of inflation may be slowing, but it’s still going up and is up significantly from when Biden took office in January 2021.

This is like saying you’re not speeding anymore because you locked the cruise control on 90 mph in a 55 mph zone.




And some people are being forced to choose between eating and energy bills.

Nailed it.

This is how it used to be.

So much joy.

Yes, it will.

And if Kamala installs price controls, we won’t be eating at home, either.


We’re flat broke.


The woman who wears a $62,000 necklace to the border doesn’t worry about how much eating dinner at a restaurant costs.

Yep. The gaslight is strong.

So great!

And Kamala really wants us to know about her middle class upbringing.

If the ports do strike, expect shortages and prices to skyrocket.