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We get it, AP. We do. Not only did you share office space with Hamas, your photographers were ’embedded’ with the terror group as they committed the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.


When you reach that level of collaboration with terrorists, it’s hard to watch Israel blow them to bits.

We’d think the AP would a least try to hide their adoration for Hassan Nasrallah a little bit.

But no.

It’s hilarious how The Seattle Times copied the AP story and still messed up the headline.

Very strong ‘austere religious scholar‘ vibes here, too.

Ah. That explains it.

But it doesn’t explain why the editors let this headline run.

Loving terrorists isn’t the exception on the Left, it’s the rule.



They sure do.

Of course.


They have their priorities.

For as much as the Left likes to scream Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are ‘Nazis’ they really ignore the actual modern-day Nazis that are Hamas and Hezbollah.


It’s very, very embarrassing.

Just amazing. Simply amazing.

Hezbollah is responsible not only for the deaths of Israelis, but hundreds of American troops.

And the AP mourns their demise.

You don’t despise the media enough. You really, really don’t.