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America First Report

It’s strange Tlaib won’t endorse her, because if elected, Kamala Harris will do everything the pro-Hamas people want. She’ll push for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, leaving Hamas still standing, able to regroup, and to recruit new members as it brags that it withstood “the mighty Zionist army.“ She’ll want to use American taxpayer dollars to “rebuild” Gaza so that the people there can enjoy the “independence” and “self-determination” and “security” that they “so rightly deserve.” And Harris will push for that will-o’-the-wisp “two-state solution” by pressuring Israel to agree to be squeezed back within the 1949 armistice lines — that Abba Eban famously described as the “lines of Auschwitz” — with a nine-mile-wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea.

That “Palestinian state” — whether run by the PA or by Hamas – when ready will resume attacks on what would then be a much-reduced state of Israel, and with help from other Arabs, strive to achieve the ultimate goal — the replacement of Israel, in its entirety, by the twenty-third Arab state of “Palestine.” More on Tlaib’s refusal to endorse Harris can be found here: “Rashida Tlaib Refuses to Endorse Kamala Harris for President Due to Gaza Policy,” by Corey Walker, Algemeiner, September 13, 2024:

US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) refused to issue an explicit endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Thursday, instead encouraging voters to throw their support behind candidates who support a ceasefire in Gaza.

While speaking on a panel at the Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, an event sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Tlaib expressed dismay over Harris’s unwillingness to adopt policies advocated by the pro-Palestinian movement. The Michigan congresswoman suggested that the Harris campaign was taking a “risk” in angering voters by continuing to support Israel’s defensive military operations against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

Tlaib told moderator Mehdi Hasan, a progressive journalist and prominent critic of Israel, that some of her constituents in Michigan did not want to cast a ballot for Harris, the incumbent US vice president, because they “don’t want blood on my [sic] hands.”

“I tell them, ‘OK, but there’s other people on this ballot that support a ceasefire. There’s other people on this ballot that can protect our community,’” Tlaib said….

Yes, there is the inimitable Cornell West, World’s Greatest Authority. And the forever candidate Jill Stein. Both of them support “an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.” Cast a vote for them, Tlaib advises, just to show Kamala Harris that she can’t take the Muslim vote for granted. […]

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America First Report