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It’s Friday. Who doesn’t need a good laugh on Friday?

If you have been following the presidential race, you know that the left and the media (but I repeat myself) think Donald Trump being reelected would literally destroy America literally. Democracy? Gone! The Constitution? Shredded! Cats and dogs living together, people being forced to use the bathroom according to the gender they were born with (aka their gender), it would be chaos!

Just ask this guy:

A group of lefties, or maybe just one White Dude for Kamala, doesn’t think people have gotten the message. So he made a cartoon. I saw this on NotTheBee, and I’d be a bad Brodigan not to share it with the rest of you.

It’s hard to pinpoint the best part of this super serious political ad. But for me, Seal Team Six being deployed to round up all the enemies of the Trump Regime was the chef’s kiss.

I have no idea who this “Bardo” fella (or fellas) is. Google was not my friend when I tried looking up his/her/xis info. Mayhaps the person who created this web ad is actually a based troll, making something that makes the left look stupid. If that’s the case and I fell for it, well played!

My gut tells me the creator is a progressive douche who legit thinks this. They believe everything that Democrat strategists turned into memes about Project 2025. In their MSNBC-damaged brains, reelecting Donald Trump would turn America into X-Men: Days of Future Past. The left, forgetting that Trump was president before, has convinced themselves that his being president again would be apocalyptical.

After all, President Trump might have his political opponents arrested, and that’s not right! Only Democrats are allowed to have their political opponents arrested!

I’m voting for Trump based on the economy, the border, national security, and the Supreme Court. These are serious issues that Harris-Biden has been terrible on. However, if voting for Trump will also cause the left to have post-apocalyptic conniptions like this, it’s a bonus.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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