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If America is not the “greatest country in the world” why is everyone and their grandmas trying to come here? And why should we take on the world’s burden if this is such an awful place? And if America is not the best, which one is?

These are questions one may not ask during DEI training, as even mentioning America and its greatest will get you fired as the dean of students for a Colorado school district.

Patrick Hogarty did not get that memo but realized after the fact that his First Amendment rights were violated.

Loving America is as much a protected right as hating it is. However, compelled speech and censorship is not, which is why America First Legal filed a lawsuit on behalf of Hogarty for violating his God-given freedoms.

According to The Post Millennial:

During the January 18, 2024 training, Hogarty reportedly responded to a question about his experience being a white US citizen by saying he “identifies as an American who believes the US is the greatest country in the world,” the lawsuit said. His answer was allegedly reported to the school principal by Cherry Creek’s equity director who accused the dean of using “racist undertones,” as per the complaint.

The fact that these people are in charge of education is deeply concerning, as even a toddler knows saying “America is the greatest” is a nonissue. Additionally, how can this be “racist” if Americans are not a race?

It should be a felony to be that stupid and in charge of education and dumb down the next generation to their pathetic levels.

The suit alleges that the school district in March 2024 eliminated Hogarty’s position, citing “budgetary reasons.” When Hogarty found out about the layoff, he pushed back against the district’s justification for his position being eliminated and the school placed him on administrative leave for “unprofessional conduct.”

The lack of self-awareness here is extremely embarrassing. These wannabe tyrants will make anything up to get rid of those with politically incorrect views. What if a student said something similar? Would they have been expelled? Additionally, it’s almost certain that whatever went on during “DEI training” was illegal.

Ian Prior, America First Legal senior advisor, wrote in a press release: “Cherry Creek School District blatantly violated the First Amendment rights of our client when they terminated him because his pride in the United States of America did not align with the district’s political ideology that America is a systematically racist nation. Like other school districts across the country, Cherry Creek has replaced the Bill of Rights with the ‘DEI Manifesto,’ and teachers, students, and parents are being silenced for standing up for the values that make America great.”

LOL. They truly are trying to replace the Bill of Rights with the “DEI Manifesto.” Unfortunately for them, they don’t have the power to do that, as they are nothing but pathetic, wannabe tyrants. And whatever cowardly power trip the district was on, it is about to end, as this is the “greatest country in the world” and those sorts of things don’t fly here.

That being said, the real scandal here is how retarded “educators” are these days and this de facto dumbing down of the next generation must end.

– YouTubeyoutu.be

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