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Where is AOC?

According to a Fox News report, sections of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district are overrun with crime and prostitutes. Streets of Roosevelt Avenue in Queens — which encompasses the migrant-heavy communities of Corona, Jackson Heights, and Elmhurst — are littered with trash.

From Fox News:

Illegal vendors also overrun the sidewalks, plying their hustle in what residents have likened to “Third World” conditions, cooking hot food out in the open devoid of any health certifications or inspections as hungry birds swoop down in search of leftovers and leaving their droppings along the way.

Known to locals as the “Avenue of the Sweethearts,” this epicenter of vice is not some desolate area on the outskirts of a city but rather the heart of the borough of Queens underneath the area’s main subway track that serves as a vital cog connecting Manhattan and its local schools to families, many of whom stream down the subway steps and are then inescapably met by armies of prowling solicitors.

Fox News Digital even recorded a man pushing his young son in a stroller past a group of five sex workers.

Residents say that students pass prostitutes every day on their way to school or on their way to local taekwondo centers situated along the busy strip and that the situation has become the norm for their youthful eyes with the alleged sex workers, mostly composed of Asian and Hispanic women, filling the sidewalks.

Former New York City mayoral candidate and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa says locals have been “forsaken” by AOC.

I’m out in Corona in Queens with community advocate Ramses Frias @ramses4qns as he shows us the brothels that have been terrorizing the community with illegal prostitution, violent crime and garbage everywhere,” Slow posted on X. “Pictured above is the brothel that was raided last night in Corona, yet discretely opened up the next day! Where are the police? This is a community of hard working families who are being forsaken by their socialist Congresswoman AOC, and City Councilman Shekar Krishnan. How can they ignore this? We need our #NYPD coordinating with the Department of Buildings to shut down the brothels once and for all. Stop the landlords and enforce the law on the streets and these brothels will stop.”

More over at Fox News: