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Is visiting Las Vegas alone worth it?

As OutKick readers know, I’m a huge fan of Las Vegas. I go at least once a year, and have never had a bad time.

It’s always a ton of fun to get up to some shenanigans and nonsense with the boys. Vegas is the perfect place to do it seeing as how it’s built around gambling, partying and having a good time. You can read about my insane latest trip here.

Is it just as fun alone?

Is it worth it to visit Las Vegas alone?

I’ve spent some extended time in Las Vegas alone, but before we get into that, let’s see what people are saying on Reddit when discussing if it’s worth taking a solo trip to Las Vegas.

Check out some of the answers below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com

  • This is why I like getting in earlier than my friend when I do my Vegas group trips every year. I’ll put miles on the lamborfeeties and do what I want before his flight even lands!
  • Yes it’s cool. Complete Freedom. Set your pace, sleep, interest schedules that are not set in stone.
  • Yes it’s the Best thing ever
  • Totally! I’m 29 F, just went for Labor weekend and it was so much fun! I clubbed the whole time but I found people pretty friendly and down to clown 🙂
  • Totally. I’m going solo in November. I enjoy solo vacations and any change of scenery from my daily life. I also enjoy gambling. Lol.
  • Absolutely, have been going to Vegas alone for years now. Nobody else to think about, just do exactly what you want, when you want to do it. And also very easy to get to know people at the tables, at the bar etc.
  • Of all the places to go alone, Vegas is probably the best. You can have a great time on your own here.
  • I went solo back in august, honestly Vegas is one of those things that boils down to how much money do I want to spend to have fun
  • Solo trip coming up in late October. Just got back early September. No (one else’s) agenda. Absolutely worth it
  • I went to Vegas alone for a weekend in August and it changed my life and my perspective on traveling alone forever. Do it. Don’t second guess yourself. I had a blast and you will too!
  • I took my first completely solo trip to Vegas. It was great. Make a little itinerary, of course. Don’t gamble too hard on day one and f*ck yourself. I recommend doing any touristy things as early as possible to avoid crowds and take an afternoon nap.
  • Hell yes. I like to find a quiet bar w good views of people watching, order a Bloody Mary and play video poker. Chat up the bartenders. Go see free stuff. Take ur time at museums. Eat food you want without feeling like ur dragging someone to an expensive/not their taste place. Go see a show, get some snacks for your room, a bevvie. Put ur feet up on some pillows and watch tv. Oh man, now I miss it.
  • I always thought Vegas would only be fun with other people. Until I recently spent my last day in Vegas alone on my last trip. It was so peaceful doing exactly what I wanted.
  • You won’t be alone…there are plenty of people here.

As you can tell from the responses above, the clear answer is that it’s 100% worth going to Las Vegas alone, and I completely agree.

Vegas is a blast with all your friends with you. The group dynamics are always fun, but I’ve had just as much fun alone.

You don’t have to do any planning that accommodates others. You make a plan, roll with it and adapt as necessary. What more could you want?

You want to gamble all day? Do it. You want to walk around and explore? Do it. You want to people watch? Do it. You want to shoot guns? Do it.

The options are limitless, and you’re on your own schedule.

Don’t hesitate. Just get after it, and have some fun. Do you have a fun Las Vegas story? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.