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With Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) overshadowing an instructor’s life, it is a challenge to educate.  Nonetheless, sometimes there is a glimmer of hope.

One of the assigned readings where I teach is the 2002 New York Times article titled “Where Nothing Says Everything” by Suzanne Berne.  It is a description of Berne’s visit to Ground Zero, seven months after the terrorist attacks.

Many students are unfamiliar with the jihadist philosophy behind those heinous deeds.

So I show them the 2005 film Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West.  It depicts the goals and methodology of those jihadists who wish to obliterate the Jewish people and infiltrate the West.  The film also draws parallels between World War II’s Nazi movement and Islamism and the initial tepid response by the West to those threats.

Here are the comments of my students.

The only question I have is whether or not the problem with radical Islam still persists to this day; are young boys and girls still being taught to hate and despise Jewish people?

Indeed, nothing has changed.  It is a constant deluge of hate-filled training, which Itamar Marcus at the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) as well as MEMRI have depicted for years.

What stood out to me from the film was the radical viewpoints the children were being taught.  Growing up being taught to hate raises a violent generation for people which never ends well as we saw in 9/11.  I found it very disturbing when the Palestinians treated this as a victory.

Palestinians were thrilled about 9-11.

Why doesn’t the West teach their children about the dangers of such radical views?

Why, indeed? British author Douglas Murray “in his 2017 book ‘The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam’ highlights how Europe’s political and intellectual elites have failed to address the existential challenges arising from mass migration and the clash of fundamentally different value systems.”  The “toxic mix of historical guilt, moral relativism, and misguided multiculturalism has left Europe unable to defend its Enlightenment values and assert its cultural identity in the face of an increasingly assertive and politicized Islam.”

My initial reaction is horror and disbelief.  I just couldn’t believe the disdain and hatred the jihadists held for those who didn’t follow their ideals and belief.  It was scary seeing how the jihadist ideas could be compared to Nazis ideas and how similar they were.  Although the documentary is from the early 2000s I’m left to wonder if the jihadists are doing the same hateful and inhumane things in 2024.

Clearly, this student has no idea of the beastliness of October 7 in Israel, but why should she when it is basically a non-issue for most major media outlets and Western leaders?  The disgusting bias and outright lies of journalists are breathtaking. 

This is the exact issue with the world today; the world embraces ignorance as bliss.  In the Quran, “Allah commands believers to force non-believers to believe by force, murder, terrorism.   Absolute ideology over shared safe freedom of speech.

It’s heartbreaking to see these young kids’ hearts filled with so much hatred.  These men commit murder on innocent people and pray to their god about it — how does that even sit right with any moral person?

I would like to know where and when these beliefs came from.  Where and during what place and time did they begin and when did they begin to gain popularity?  

The roots of Islamic antisemitism date back centuries.  Andrew G. Bostom highlights how the Quran depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims.

It does not come as a shocker that the majority of the people preaching this kind of hate are men.  It is sad … how the children are being stripped from a normal, loving childhood.

This site highlights the position of women in the Islamic world, where a woman is worth less than a man.

Coupled with the antisemitic teachings is the abject indifference by women’s groups, who were slow to acknowledge the sexual assaults of their Israeli sisters by Hamas.  Unfortunately, “the political [leftist] leanings of many women’s rights organizations have played a role in their silence about the sexual violence perpetuated by Hamas.”  What hypocrisy to call themselves feminists!

There simply isn’t a reason to destroy another person’s choice of where they want to pray.  I’m also upset that these groups teach innocent young children that Jews are apes/pigs and overall bad.

When special adviser and P.A. Supreme sharia judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash openly refers to Jews as “humanoids … apes and pigs,” the silence is deadly.

Moreover, rarely mentioned is the fate of moderate Muslims.

I didn’t like that they train the little children to be suicide warriors.  The part that stood out to me the most is why they are destroying the churches, synagogues and statues that are non-Muslim.

Consider the loss of irreplaceable works of art by ISIS.

Why are the people of Islam so against others and why do they think that death is a good solution to all of this?

In Deuteronomy 30:16, Moses explains G-d’s commandments.  “Behold, I place before you today life and good and death and evil. … I call on Heaven and Earth to witness to you that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse — choose life!” (30:15, 19).

What a stark contrast to the jihadists who love death more than life!

I wonder why Muslims feel so entitled to treat people this way. There should be stronger security to protect against potential threats that may occur.

Little do my students know about the rank antisemitism at major universities in America and elsewhere as Jewish students are harassed daily and the powers that be are indifferent.

It’s devastating to see hundreds of Arab children being raised with the soul [sic] purpose of someday becoming suicide bombers.  The measures some of these people are going to prove their religion is superior are disturbing.  How has this behavior gone on for so long?

The answer lies in the deep infiltration of radical ideology into America.  CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) will continue to obfuscate the radical tenets of Islam and claim Islamophobia in order to cover its despicable actions, hate speech, and desire to create a global caliphate.

Pascal Bruckner explains that “in 2013 the Organization of the Islamic Conference, financed by dozens of Muslim countries that themselves shamelessly persecute Jews, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus, demanded that Western countries put an end to freedom of expression where Islam was concerned[.]  The signatories’ intention was to make criticism of the religion of the Koran an international crime.”

The first goal was to impose silence on Westerners[.]  The second … was to forge a weapon of enforcement against liberal Muslims, who dared to criticize their faith and who called for reform of family laws and for equality between the sexes, for a right to apostatize and to convert, and for a right no longer to believe in God and not to observe Ramadan and other rites. Such renegades must face public condemnation, in this imperative, so as to block all hope of change.

Now the idea is to convert Europe to the true faith in part by transforming the law and the culture.

It is well known how much of the Nazi legacy has passed, since the creation of Israel, to the Arab Middle East[.]  Was it not the late king of Morocco, Hassan II, who said: ‘Hatred of Israel is the most powerful aphrodisiac of the Arab world’?

The notion of Islamophobia is meant to give the religion of the Prophet a status of exemption denied to other spiritual systems.

How is it that my college students can abhor what the jihadists say and do, but Western leaders lack the fortitude to enforce any meaningful action and instead kowtow to the radical Islamists whose goal is the total evisceration of Western values, and the murder of those they deem “the infidel”?

Eileen can be reached at middlemarch18@gmail.com.

<p><i>Image: Robert Couse-Baker via <a href=Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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Image: Robert Couse-Baker via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.