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In one of the craziest twists in the Diddy case, his lawyer now says there’s a legitimate reason for why his client had so much baby oil – the Feds say 1,000 bottles – at his houses when they were raided. 

Marc Agnifilo believes his client can’t pass up a bulk purchase at Costco. 


“[Diddy] has a big house. He buys in bulk. I think they have Costcos in every place where has a home,” Agnifilo told TMZ’s  Harvey Levin. “I mean have you sat in a parking lot of a Costco and see what people wale out of there with?”

“I don’t think it was a thousand. Let’s just say it was a lot.”

Diddy was a big Costco guy? 

If that’s the defense for the racketeering and human trafficking charges that are piled up in a New York City federal courthouse, the 54-year-old rapper may never enjoy another Sample Saturday the rest of his life. 

Agnifilo is out and about trying to win the PR battle to get his client off, but so far, his strategy has been fairly comical. During his chat with Levin, the lawyer tried to soften the conversation around Diddy’s alleged ‘Freak Offs’ parties by saying, “Back when I was a kid in the late ’70s, they were called threesomes.”

And what about that baby oil?

“I don’t know where the number ‘1,000’ came from. I can’t imagine its thousands [of bottles of baby oil ], and I’m not really sure what the baby oil has to do with anything,” Agnifilo added. 

However, the lawyer does admit the Feds found “a lot” of baby oil. 

Then he went right back to dragging Costco into this story. 

“I mean, there is a Costco right down the street. I think Americans buy in bulk, as we know,” Agnifilo concluded. 

Can you even buy cases of baby oil at Costco?

A quick check of Costco.com doesn’t show options to buy cases of baby oil like you’re buying huge cases of spaghetti sauce. 

Let’s say Costco does have 48 packs of baby oil. Are we to believe that Diddy took his SUV to one of the Miami locations and bought cases of baby oil like the vending machine guys buying 20 cases of Coke. 

If this is true, Diddy must’ve had insane money-back credits at the end of the year when Costco sent out checks. 

It’s time for Agnifilo to put up or shut up. Dig up those Costco receipts. 

Or stop dragging my favorite store through the mud by putting its name and Diddy in the same sentence.

Email: joe.kinsey@outkick.com