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Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro — a Democrat — was bashed for autographing an artillery shell that could potentially be used to kill people in the Russia-Ukraine War.

As Blaze News reported, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy toured the battleground state of Pennsylvania with Democratic candidates as well as a Kamala Harris campaign surrogate. One of the Zelenskyy’s stops was an ammunition factory in Scranton.

‘Democrats are now the party of war and they’re proud of it.’

The Scranton Army Ammunition Plant is one of the few facilities in the country to manufacture 155mm artillery shells and has increased production over the past year to supply Ukraine in its war against Russia, according to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The United States has reportedly sent more than 3 million 155mm artillery shells to Ukraine.

Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.) was in attendance at the factory and said Zelenskyy has a message: “Thank you. And we need more.”

Also in attendance at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant was Shapiro.

Shapiro shared a video of him signing an artillery shell on the X social media platform with the caption: “We must all do our part in the fight for freedom — from the workers in Scranton who make Pennsylvania the arsenal of democracy to the brave Ukrainian soldiers protecting their country. We stand with Ukraine in their just defense of their homeland in the face of Russian aggression.”

Shapiro was blasted online for signing the weapon of war.

Blaze Media writer Peachy Keenan: “These people are intolerable and when World War 3 starts will point fingers at everyone but themselves. Give peace a chance.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.): “I am 100% against this and so are most Americans. The U.S. is funding the Ukraine Gov at $1 billion/month to keep it running and funding most of the war by providing weapons, ammo, and equipment. The U.S. should be negotiating peace not fueling war.”

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald: “Democrats are running on a platform of producing and sending more weapons to keep a horrific war fueled forever, claiming it’s to ‘fight for freedom’: pure neocon rhetoric. In case you’re will wondering why Dick Cheney, neocons, CIA, and the war machine all support Kamala.”

Political commentator Tucker Carlson: “I was disgusted by it, actually, I was enraged by it.”

Vermont Republican Party Chair Paul Dame: “What happened to Democrats? In 2004 they were the anti-war party. Now, their best presidential hope for 2028 is autographing BOMBS? Can you imagine the outrage if Bush had ever done this?”

Author David J Harris Jr.: “Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Pennsylvania democrat Governor Josh Shapiro signed artillery shells to be used in war. This was at a munitions factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Democrats are now the party of war and they’re proud of it. Sad.”

Author Dr. Naomi Wolf: “This is a Satanic scene. These people seem unaware or unconcerned that they are signing missiles that will kill human beings.”

Comedian and libertarian advocate Dave Smith: “You cannot overstate how evil and insane these people are.”

Former running mate of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Nicole Shanahan: “How could it be that the Democratic Party I grew up with — the Blue Dog Democrats who believed in hard work, the middle class, family, and standing up against the war machine — has turned into this? I declared my independence this year because I refuse to support a party that flies in a foreign leader to promote the production of artillery and the use of bombs. Our country deserves better. We want de-escalation through diplomacy, not a march toward World War III.”

Libertarian activist Liam McCollum: “The people signing bombs that will undoubtedly be used to kill people are considered centrists and call you an extremist if you oppose this.”

Libertarian commentator Tom Woods: “This is sick and psychotic.”

Journalist Max Blumenthal: “There’s Gov. Josh Shapiro with Zelenskyy signing artillery shells at a weapons plant in Scranton, PA For those unfamiliar, Shapiro is the guy who said Palestinians are too ‘battle-minded’ to make peace.”

Author Dave Benner: “This is a worship ritual for those who view the military-industrial complex as their God.”

Former U.S. Army Special Forces officer Joe Kent:Pictured – the only winners in this foolish war, politicians & defense contractors. Not pictured – a generation of dead Ukrainian men & the rest of the world being led off to WW3. Make peace, stop the killing, prioritize America.”

Far-left writer Wyatt Reed: “When did all our politicians start treating weapons of war like sports memorabilia? Why do they find killing people so amusing?”

Several online commentators noted that Shapiro was busy signing an artillery shell for a photo op with Zelenskyy in the same weekend that chaos erupted in Philadelphia.

As Blaze News previously reported, there were hundreds of cars involved in nearly a dozen street takeovers over the weekend in Philadelphia.

Earlier this year, former Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley was criticized for signing an artillery shell during a visit to Israel. On the ordnance, Haley wrote “Finish Them!”

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