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There was a time in America when the President of. the United States was impeached for having a phone conversation with the President of Ukraine. Now, the President gets away with flying the President of the United States on a US military aircraft to a swing state so that president could attack the current Republican nominee to be Vice President.

Remember, kids, as the media tells us, DEMOCRACY is on the ballot this November. And Democrats have made it clear whose citizens they care the most about:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy flew to Pennslyvania to examine the ammunition American taxpayers were buying for him. During the visit, he launched an attack on JD Vance, using the Democrat party talking point that he is “extreme” before adding that Vance, who is running in America, is bad for Ukraine, a country that he isn’t running in.

For us, these are dangerous signals, coming as they do from a potential Vice-President. What does it mean for Ukraine that people with such ideas and slogans are rising to power?

It’s bad enough on its own as a foreign leader is hanging out with a Democrat Governor, albeit one who was too Jewish to be allowed by Democrats to run for vice president. But Zelenskyy made it to Pennsylvania flying on U.S. Air Force C-17 provided to him by the Harris-Biden administration.

Yes, the same Kamala Harris who is running against JD Vance (and Donald Trump) is currently in the US Presidential Election.

As I said, please remember this November, Democracy is on the ballot.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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