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The Swedish government has sentenced a 70-year-old grandma to prison for selling baked goods ONCE on Facebook. Unclear how or why this is a crime, as the only criminality that seems to be committed here is by the government, but to call this tyrannical elder abuse would be an understatement.

The article has not named her but for the sake of clarity, let’s call her Grams.

During the Panny D, Grams started sharing her love for baking online, as any adorable grandma would do when the media fear mongers them to stay on home arrest. Her desserts looked so delicious someone asked to buy some, to which she agreed but for no profit. She made zero dollars off the transaction and only charged for the supplies.

However, the Swedish government had a problem with this because they had nothing better to do. Subsequently, they fined her thousands but she could not pay because she is on a fixed income. Thus, they sent her to the slammer.

You would think a country suffering from an epidemic of gang violence and overcrowding in prisons would just leave poor Grams alone but these are not moral people.

According to The Publica:

Frida Larsson, the senior’s defense attorney, has told local press that they intended to appeal the decision.

“She is old and has health problems, and she cannot see herself being able to cope with it,” Larsson explained. “It has taken a very hard toll on her, and she is very depressed.”

Disgusting. Just disgusting. It’s one thing if she actually committed a crime but the woman solely wanted to share her love for baking with her friends. The fact that the government has prioritized this as if it’s an issue is a form of state-sanctioned elder abuse that no one should be here for.

Though some Swedish outlets have reported the senior had refused to pay the fine in an act of defiance, Larsson asserts that is untrue and that the woman simply did not have the financial means to wrangle with the massive bill.

Don’t these people have migrants to worry about? I guess there’s no way for these tyrants to fund their alien invasion without fining legal residents into oblivion.

It’s clear the Swedish government hates its people and no one should be here for it.


– YouTubewww.youtube.com