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Mainstream news propagandists are busy touting Dick Cheney’s endorsement of KamaLOL Harris and Tim the Walrus as proof that their brand of communism appeals to Americans across party lines.  I don’t know what’s funnier — that Democrats have become Cheney superfans or that they think his opinion holds any sway with conservative voters.  

Ol’ Dick is about as popular among regular Republicans as Hillary Clinton is — which is to say, his endorsement is the kiss of death for any candidate unlucky enough to receive it.  Since Commie-la and the Walrus won both war criminals’ thumbs-up, I’m surprised the Democrats’ installed ticket hasn’t gone up in a puff of smoke.  Following Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton down any path is like taking a shortcut to Hell.

Savvier political animals on the left know that Darth Cheney does nothing to push the electoral needle toward Giggles-a-Lot (I think Liz Warren gave Kam-Kam that Cherokee name).  I’ve looked at polling breakdowns many times over the last decade, and there is just no sizable contingent of former Bush/Cheney voters who prefer Biden/Harris/Xi over Trump.  The Pravda press make it seem as if there were some huge faction of “True Conservatives” (darn it, now I have to mail a royalty check to Bill Kristol) out there whose defection will sink Trump’s chances, but that’s all horse pucky.  Trump enjoys historically high levels of Republican support.

Pretty much all the pro-Cheney/anti-Trump “Republicans” in existence have lucrative gigs on cable TV.  Most of those simps ran the losing political campaigns for John McCain and Mitt Romney or worked as left-leaning speechwriters for Bush: Part II.  There’s even a former Republican National Committee chairman who worked hard to get Biden and Harris “elected” (Who knew that Steele could be so malleable?).  Kind of explains why the Republican Party has stumbled around like a kid with a “Kick Me” sign on his back for most of the last three decades.

However annoying it is for Republican voters to watch Democrats posing as Republicans on television, those frauds are the only Bush/Cheney voters eager to pull the lever for Willie Brown’s fourth-favorite mistress.  In fact, I have real doubts that those pretenders even voted for Halliburton’s best salesman back in the day.  Cucks who are so “severely conservative” that they’d prostitute themselves for Kam-WOW’s kind of communism most likely fan-girled for the “sky is falling” climate alarmism of Al Gore and John Kerry, too.  It’s certainly true that the Bush administration spent more time apologizing for conservatism than defending conservative principles.  That’s why Dubya sold his canned conservatism as “compassionate” — a not so subtle rebuke of his own voters and a bit of a valentine to progressive (yet regressive) Democrats.

Why would Dim-Dems take a chance at angering their own rabid anti-Bush voters by celebrating Dick Cheney’s admiration for a low-I.Q. globalist puppet who openly campaigns for censorship, gun confiscation, world war, and mass surveillance?  It most likely has nothing to do with actually persuading Republican voters to join the ranks of the Dark Side.  No real liberty-lover would ever support a political party that shares an ideology with Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot, and Mao.  Only trademarked “True Conservatives” jump into action when trains, gulags, or mass graves need to be filled with unruly political dissidents.  

I suspect that Cheney’s support for Ka-Mao-la and Tiananmen Walz has more to do with post-election spin.  Should election-riggers succeed in flooding battleground states with enough fraudulent mail-in ballots to drag the least popular vice president in modern history (Kamala’s even less popular than Dick Cheney!  Can you believe it?  No wonder he likes her.) across the finish line, they can claim that a large number of Bush/Cheney Republicans secured her “victory.”  

Since Kam-Kam is too dumb to handle media interviews without her emotional support governor at her side (hat tip to Megyn Kelly for that pearl!), the narrative engineers (AKA “journalists”) will need to juggle as many lies as possible to justify back-to-back election thefts from the American people.  Installing Dementia Joe was tough enough, considering that President Trump earned over ten million new votes in his 2020 re-election bid — a feat that had always been a surefire sign of an incumbent’s victory until the era of anonymous mail-in ballots proved otherwise.  

Tipsy Harris might need so many extra ballots printed in her favor that some jurisdictions will seemingly double in population overnight.  (Hmm, no wonder impeached Department of Homeland [in]Security Secretary Mayorkas keeps seeding small towns in crucial battleground states with illegal aliens.)  By the time Democrat election-riggers find enough votes to put Cackles and the Walrus over the top, Barack Obama’s once sizable share of the electorate will look downright paltry by comparison.  No “credible journalist” will dare call it “fraud.”  But many will probably attribute the vodka veep’s “victory” to Cheney’s “crucial endorsement.”  Propaganda never sleeps. 

Should the ruling Establishment pull off another steal, don’t be surprised if Bush the Younger (AKA “the Decider-in-Chief”) comes out of retirement to vouch for the security of the 2024 election.  When he recently opted not to endorse a presidential candidate, Dubya seemed intent on preserving some vestige of impartial authority that could be cashed in at a later time.  Get ready for a poorly executed Texas Two-Step.  I imagine that “the Decider” is eager to declare Trump a loser and the MAGA movement dead.  I am certain that he is excited to inform Republican voters that they must return to the Bush/Cheney/McCain/Romney Uniparty fold.  Should we have to deal with another round of Republican “leaders” shivving us in the backs, I’ll have one answer: Nuts to that!

There was a time when I would have done almost anything for President Bush.  Islamic militants attacked us on our own soil and knocked the Twin Towers down in an act of absolute barbarity.  To this day, I cannot forget the images of men and women jumping to their deaths from the top floors of those burning buildings.  Shortly after that tragedy, Bush enjoyed broad support from the American people that remains unprecedented in modern political history.  Americans came together in common cause to extinguish one of the worst evils the world had seen.

So many patriotic Republicans went to war because George Bush and Dick Cheney told them that they were fighting evil and preserving freedom.  They left their families to spend years in Afghanistan and Iraq.  They sacrificed everything.  Then battle turned into occupation.  A Global War on Terrorism became an amorphous struggle against undefined “extremism.”  At home, we got the TSA, DHS, the PATRIOT Act, and mass surveillance.  By the time Barack Obama and Eric Holder retooled all of these unconstitutional abrogations of Americans’ rights into weapons for persecuting ordinary Americans for their beliefs, it was clear that a new kind of evil was destroying freedom.  As Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse once said, we should have never agreed to take off our shoes at the airport.  It was all downhill from there.

Remarkably, the very patriots who reacted to 9/11 by volunteering to defend their country have become the principal targets of today’s national security surveillance state.  And while the Deep State censors, harasses, and demonizes those who have given so much for their nation, George Bush and Dick Cheney have chosen to remain silent.  They have turned their backs on those who had theirs.  A quarter of a century after the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor, our former Republican leaders endorse outright communists.

This kind of repugnant betrayal is why so many Americans adamantly support President Trump and why MAGA will never, ever go away.

<p><em>Image: Dick Cheney.  Credit: Gage Skidmore via <a href=Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

” captext=”Gage Skidmore” src=”https://freeread.causeaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/jva7fhn2b4zvvctjwoi8_640.jpg”>

Image: Dick Cheney.  Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.