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Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) tweets a “reminder” of what “House Democrats last week voted against.”


U.S. Customs and Border Protection counts more than 2.033 million Encounters at the Southwest Land Border in Fiscal Year 2024. 2.201 million Enforcement Encounters were recorded at the same point in FY 2023. 2.151 million were recorded at the same point in FY 2022. 1.543 million were recorded at the same point in FY 2021. 401K Southwest Border Total Apprehensions were recorded for the entirety of FY 2020, and 852K were recorded in all of FY 2019.

The statistics describe a humanitarian emergency and a national security calamity that has occurred as a result of open borders policies. The volume of humans being dealt with is in the millions. The range of potential threats posed is from basic criminality to terrorism.

Illegal immigration threatens the safety of our nation, and it disenfranchises those who are immigrating and have immigrated legally. Immigration laws must be enforced. The immigration system must be allowed to function in an orderly manner. A nation must have borders, and those borders must be secure.

President Joe Biden should already be armed with what is necessary to secure the border, relevant immigration laws under the Constitution flowing from Congress and agencies with agents to execute those laws. Securing the border should not be up for debate. President Biden and congressional Democrats may be ideologically inclined toward open-borders immigration policy, but as elected governing officeholders they should be inclined toward securing the border.



A nation maintaining a secure border and an orderly immigration process for those who would assimilate to its land is more than a hot-button election issue. It is not a patriotic nicety. It is not a problem for only states that are located on borders, nor is it something that affects only conservative Republicans. It is not a buzzword on a list of terms to the left of numbers and percentage symbols. It is not a talking point to be used when politically convenient or popular. It is an absolute necessity for the well-being of a nation and its citizens, and it is one of the very foundations of a free republic.

Editor’s Note:  U.S. CBP numbers are rounded to the nearest thousand.