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Some weeks there’s not much of great importance. Others, like this week, there is almost too much to absorb, but in my view the key items are the destruction of the terrorist Hezb’allah organization, the vacuity of Kamala Harris and the media’s great efforts to glide her into office while hiding her agenda, the pernicious ruling class and why they have forfeited our trust, and lastly, the pending scandal which ties celebrities and key Democrats to sex trafficking and racketeering.

Destruction of Hezb’allah

Almost four decades since Hezb’allah killed hundreds of Americans in the bombing of our barracks in Lebanon, the perpetrators finally received justice, though not at our hands. (The U.S. just offered bounties and did nothing to capture the perpetrators. France under Macron was worse. Though it, too, lost significant troops in the Beirut bombing, Macron was critical of Israel, which is understandably believed to be the force behind the destruction of Hezb’allah.) The figures of the eliminated and disabled fighters keep changing but the best intelligence is that since Monday Hezb’allah has lost at least 60 officers and fighters and one of its senior leaders. Five hundred Hezb’allah terrorists have been eliminated, with 12% of those sustained this week alone. Many more have been seriously injured and are certainly out of commission. Most injuries and fatalities were occasioned by exploding hand-held devices, a few more by precision bombings by the IDF.

We may never know exactly how, when, or where the devices were manipulated to explode, but it is the most ingenious, audacious event in military history.

When Hezb’allah learned their cellphones were compromised, they bought 5,000 pagers and instructed their people to use them; when the pagers simultaneously exploded, they instructed their people to use walkie-talkies; and when those exploded, they had to meet in person where they were eliminated in a precision bombing.

The short take by the inestimable Iowahawk (David Burge) says it best:


 Hezb: I MEAN WALKIE TALKIES *beep beep BOOM* 

Hezb: ok emergency meeting at the WeWork until we figure this out *BOOM BOOM BOOM* 

There’s some mewling by the usuals about danger to civilians, Hussain abdul-Hussain, a Lebanese analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, pooh poohs that:

Non-combatant civilians in #Lebanon do not use pagers. Non-combatant civilians in Lebanon do not use walkie-talkies. Non-combatant civilians in Lebanon are like all normal people on the planet: They use commercial smartphones (mostly Samsung because it’s cheaper than iPhone). Only Hezbollah’s military-aged males use pagers and walkie-talkies, all that are connected to an exclusive (and they thought secure) Hezbollah network. Two Hezbollah members of Lebanese Parliament had neither pagers nor walkie talkies issued to them. Their sons, two fighters with Hezbollah, had pagers on them and died. The fathers are still alive (even though they are Hezbollah, but they are non-combatants who are not connected to the militia’s military comms). Not all pagers in Lebanon blew up. Medical staff at all hospitals (including Hezbollah’s hospitals) use pagers that did not blow up. There was one medical staff at Hezbollah hospital who died because his pager blew up. That was the exception (he probably joined the combatants at the frontline). Enough with the academic garbage on Law of War and International Humanitarian Law. #Israel‘s blowing up of Hezbollah’s pagers and walkie talks was one of the most surgical attack on enemy combatants in the history of wars.

The Vacuity of Kamala Harris

The Democrats switched her for the failing president late in the game and hope with the aid of a partisan press and her dodging any real interviews to hide from the public her extreme leftist views. Her first interview with ABC struck most of us as a softball one-sided one with both interviewers (one of whom was her sorority sister) “fact checking” Trump “lies” while allowing her to gibber on with pre-packaged blather. A whistleblower has provided a credible sworn affidavit (which he wrote a day before the interview) in which he says she was given sample questions similar to those which were actually asked, was promised certain questions would be out of bounds by the interviewers and further, that Trump — but not her — would be “fact checked” by them. ABC provided a tardy response, which is hardly sufficient. 

Bill Ackman explains:

@ABC and @RobertIger should directly address the specific accusations of the whistleblower, and Iger/Disney should launch a full investigation. Not surprisingly, there has been no denial from the two ABC moderators. Just silence. In the past, when we did activist short selling, the subject company would issue a carefully written press release or management would make a statement to misdirect shareholders in response to the issues we had identified. ABC’s response here is reminiscent of Herbalife’s statements which attempted to rebut our accusations. And take a look that stock. 

@Disney is subject to @SECGov oversight. The reputation of ABC is material to the value of Disney. As such, the company must address the specific allegations made by the whistleblower, and cannot mislead the market by issuing a statement which purports to address the issues identified, but does not.

Yes, this reminds us that ABC contributor Donna Brazile fed Clinton the questions “in anticipation of a supposedly unscripted townhall meeting” and ABC helped deflect questions about Biden’s failing mental state. (His mental state is so bad that this week he called the first cabinet meeting in 11 months and turned it over to his wife to preside at.)

In an effort to rescue her from the growing perception that she’s incompetent, Oprah had another “interview” which was so awful she had to intervene after about three minutes of Harris’s babbling to bring the interview back down from the vapor. A couple of audience members were allowed to ask her questions and got the usual word salad and cackles. Videos of the entire episode are widely available online. Some select bits, however, are more than enough to establish that with Harris the lights may be on but no one’s home.

“We really would love to know what your plan is to help lower the cost of living,” the wife said to Kamala.

“Yeah, first of all, thank you both for being here. And yours is a story I hear around the country as I travel and, ummm, in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is — for this generation and so many recently — far more elusive than it’s been, and we need to deal with that. And there are a number of ways. One is bringing down the cost of everyday necessities, including groceries.”

 The great satire site Babylon Bee could not resist

DETROIT, MI — Famed talk show host and meme subject Oprah Winfrey was showered with accolades today after last night’s release of a moving 1-hour special on the dangers of alcohol abuse.

According to viewers, Winfrey sat down with one of America’s most well-known drunkards for an interview, presumably in a thinly veiled attempt to warn Americans just what might happen if they also succumb to the siren call of the bottle.

“It was a really powerful show,” recalled Oprah fan Jack Morley. “I watched it as Oprah went through and hammed it up with whoever that other completely sozzled lady was on the show. It was a stark illustration of what can happen to a person when they fall into the abyss of alcoholism. I didn’t know a human could drink that much and stay conscious.”

Our Pernicious Ruling Class

The Brownstone Institute argues that “Covid is the story of billionaires, monopolies, psyops, Moore’s law, vaccine injury and CRISPR. These came together to create a new pernicious ruling class with unprecedented powers.” If you weren’t enraged as I was when NY placed Covid sufferers in with fragile nursing home residents; issued broad vaccine mandates; allowed BLM marches but banned religious services and barred apartment dwelling kids from fresh air romps in local parks, this week gave further evidence for the merit of the Brownstone argument. 

“Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s Office: “I had to be kind of sneaky about it…I was running the entire Covid response for the city… we rented a hotel… we all took like, you know, molly[E*stasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a room… like just being naked with friends…” “We went to some like, underground dance party… underneath a bank on Wall Street… We were all rolling…” “This was not Covid-friendly.” “I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was you know, like on TV and stuff…” “The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then.”

Several lawmakers fumed over the newly released footage, with Council member Joann Ariola (R-Queens) telling The Post it showed the “perverse corruption” of the de Blasio administration. 

“This guy was running around living like a drug-fueled Caligula, mandating that ordinary New Yorkers suffer in lockdown and lose their livelihoods while he throws himself parties that could make a rock star blush,” Ariola said.

“Dr. Varma’s pathetic attempt to impress a date further revealed what we all knew — that the ‘leaders’ who shut down businesses, told us not to celebrate Thanksgiving, and fired workers for not taking the vaccine, have always been absolutely full of s–t,” added Councilmember Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).

He admitted that the only reason kids were kept from school because the teachers union demanded it and the then-mayor DeBlasio needed their votes.

Since leaving his position with the city he has held the position of executive vice-president and chief medical officer of Siga Tech, where he is paid a reported $1.5 million a year.

The Upcoming Scandal

The rapper P. Diddy was just charged with sex trafficking and racketeering. Bail has been denied and he’s under suicide watch in the same place that prevented Epstein from committing suicide.

Like me, you may not care a fig about rappers or celebrities, but Diddy’s drug and sex-fueled parties which he videoed and stored may affect a lot of them and their Democratic pals:

First, this seems to be a story with nice, long legs that even Tina Turner would envy. There’s sex, celebrities, wild parties, debauchery, baby oil(!), and more — the bad boy of Bad Boy Records acted very badly, indeed. Plus, Combs seems to have (stupidly) videotaped much of it. This is gonna be in the news cycle for a while. Might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Second, Sean Combs was considered a “celebrity in good standing” because he was closely aligned with the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris has warmly Tweeted to him, thanking Combs for hosting her town hall event. (No word if Kamala later attended his “freak off” after-party celebrations.) FOX News has also detailed Combs’ intimate ties to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and other prominent Democrats. For decades, Combs has supported liberal causes, including the MTV-affiliated “Rock the Vote” and launched 2004’s “Vote or Die” campaign. He’s had particularly close ties to black Democrats, especially the Obamas. Combs endorsed Joe Biden in 2020 and said “white men like Trump need to be banished” during a radio interview.

So, this won’t just be a sex scandal. Before it’s over, it’ll be a political scandal, too.

Good,  because sex scandals seem  to be the only thing that catches the attention right now of people driven half-mad by the pernicious ruling class and their absurd policies.